Do you see if you have time to fix this plugin in May ?
Do you see if you have time to fix this plugin in May ?
Hello Nuxwin!
Did you have some time to check this problem ?
Thank you!
Any idea what could be wrong or what shall I check ?
On /client/dns_add.php page I wrote the following:
Name: www
Canonical name: test.tld.
Error message: Could not validate DNS resource record: Conflict with the `www.test.tld. 10800 IN CNAME test.tld.' DNS resource record.
I copied the listener pl file into /etc/imscp/listeners.d folder. After this I re-run the auto installer script. It was fine without errors however the listener doesn't work. The error message is that it cannot activate the record because of a conflict. I have tried to run the file locally / perl 10_named_override_default_rr.pl /( no clue if it should work like this or not) and I got the following error: Can't locate iMSCP/Net.pm in @INC (you may need to install the iMSCP::Net module). After this I added the PerlLib folder into the perl script with the 'use lib' command. Still not working.
I am using Debian 8.7 and i-MSCP 1.3.16.
Do you have any idea what did I wrong ?