Posts by kurgans

    Dudo mucho que Gmail te tome por SPAM.. por tener el dkim incorrecto...

    El que lo tengas incorrecto es por que seguramente tienes la web y el mail separados en 2 maquinas distintas y no le estas pasando la key correcta al envio ..

    ... pero aun asi .. gmail no te tomara por spam por que te de un fail de dkim


    Pardon my English...
    We all know that the project is currently at a standstill, more than we all wished for.

    But with the few changes made by some users, to whom we have to thank all their interest and help, and a little bit of management as you can see

    ... and a little bit of administration, everything can be updated without much trouble.

    .. At the moment I have Debian 10, MariaDB 10.3, all PHP versions, latest versions of Roundcube FTP, Webmail, etc. running without problems.

    I like everybody... I think the current situation is not good, and a different one would be desirable,

    ... but I also look and observe other panels, and I see that we are not so different and not so far apart.

    I just hope and trust that it will not die definitively,




    Buenas Victor

    Es mucho mas sencillo que eso ..., en su plan de hosting activas correo externo,

    dentro de dominio en el dns agregar los dns de las entradas dns .. ya sea a google , a goodady, microsoft, yahoo etc.. donde quieras, ya que donde pongas la mx ira el correo.

    Sobre el smart-host, esto es simplemente para enviar tu correos por medio de una cuenta autentificada por la via de otro proveedor como por ejemplo google.

    Esto hace que todos los mails del servidor salgan por ahi, de echo muchos servidoes una, otros mailchannels... etc. hay muchos productos similares para enviar estos correos y usar la reputacion y dar los problemas a ellos .. ¡¡ claro previo previo en funcion de dominio y numero de correos al dia que vas a pasar por su repartidor.



    Good fulltilt,

    I have been testing the script this morning, and I can not get it to work, I have changed some routes ...

    But I have checked and I see that they are all right .., but I get an error when creating the file
    echo $domain >> /var/panel/fpm-db.txt

    awk: fatal: no se puede abrir el fichero `/var/panel/fpm-db.txt' para lectura (No existe el fichero o el directorio)

    I could also see that using the script connection I use MariaDB 10.2


    The system does not connect correctly

    Can you give me some light

    Thanks for everything as always

    # nano /root/
    # chmod +x /root/
    # run /root/ via cron job
    # imscp database details
    # do not change MyHOST variable
    # Servername for email notification
    # mail package need installed (apt-get install mailutils)
    # backup path before files are deleted
    # do not change

    # check connection result
    RCOUNT=$($CONNECT "SELECT COUNT(version_fpm_pool_directory_path) FROM php_switcher_version WHERE version_is_default = 0;" -B --skip-column-names)
    if [ $RCOUNT -gt 0 ]
    # get pathes
    paths=$($CONNECT "SELECT version_fpm_pool_directory_path FROM php_switcher_version WHERE version_is_default = 0;" -B --skip-column-names)

    # get stored config paths from database
    $CONNECT "SELECT e.version_id, e.admin_id, e.domain_name, u.version_fpm_pool_directory_path FROM php_switcher_version_admin AS e, php_switcher_version AS u WHERE e.version_id = u.version_id AND u.$
    data1=$(echo $data | awk '{print $4}')
    data2=$(echo $data | awk '{print $3}')
    echo $domain >> /var/panel/fpm-db.txt

    Translated with (free version)