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Posts by gOOvER
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I long for pursuing possibly keit a Gameserver inklusiver webinterface for start stopen and edit config and teamspeak.When i understand this correct, he wants a Modul for Managing Game and Voiceserver.
Ok, schau mal, ob Du error Mails bekommst, auf die eMail, die Du bei der installation angegeben hast.
Ansonsten versuch das bitte.
To be able to see what is the problem you should enable debugging on /etc/imscp/imscp.conf (modify Debug = 0 in Debug = 1; last line in file).
After that run setup again, and see in files /var/logs/imscp/*.stderr.
Do not forget to turn Debug off after setup finish (other you will expose some data - not critical - in main website) -
Mach einfach mal ein
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Hab es auf 2 MB erhöht. Das sollte reichen
Its das Sytem komplett neu aufgesetzt?? Es kommt zu Problemen, wenn Softwware vorher schon installiert war.
Ich würde ein Control panel eh nur auf einem neu installiertem System verwenden. Am besten Squeeze installieren, da für i-mscp zwingend Php 5.3gebraucht wird
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God, it's not stupid ! ! ! And it's not an error. You can only import *.mo files now. It's the common way to process. Don't say it's stupid without know !If you want installs your own file, you must imports the *.po file in poEdit , made the changes, and save it as *.mo file. After, you have only to import the *.mo file via GUI.
He don't mean, that this is Stupid Googletranslate don't translate all very good
Hmmm, how to translate??? It's slang Has nothing to do with the .mo Problem and was not anoying