Thanks for the update on that issue
Hopefully, as you say, should be an easy fix (but you have time to do that )
Thanks for the update on that issue
Hopefully, as you say, should be an easy fix (but you have time to do that )
This isn't new
OpenDKIM and domain deletion issue
The ticket you pointed out was an issue with Mailman plugin BTW.
La dernière fois que j'ai vu ce soucis, c'était sur un VPS avec pré-installation d'un serveur LAMP standard (Apache2 préinstallé quoi).
C'est une VM nue ?
I don't think this is an error.
One of the SSL cert used has a password to "protect it" and ask you for giving it.
Well, after, I don't know why this cert is in /tmp
You can save, from my point of view, the whole /etc folder, this is just config files, so not heavy (i-MSCP confs files are in /etc/imscp)
/var/www => IF you don't want to loose any client data
/var/mail => For the mails
Also the MySQL/MariaDB folder, just in case.
But you should always have backups of your server's datas, it can get a big hardware faillure, and then, no more sites, users, DB, etc...
Should work with PHP-FPM.
Ensure you did that also: i-mscp 1.1.2 php fpm php.ini per user
But to make this working, you have to enable a per-site or per-user PHP conf, don't known which choice you use in the install process.
When you disable one of those "disable functions", if you check the php.ini file (if FCGI installation, there: /var/www/fcgi/DOMAIN.TLD/php5/php.ini ), at the line 343 "disable_functions = ", you should only see phpinfo
If you see the other in there, then you have a problem in your installation.
BTW, you have to, at least, reload the apache server if I'm not mistaken, or just restart the apache.
Pourtant, Nuxwin a bien dit la marche a suivre (bon, en version courte, mais faut avouer que tu es... "lourd").
Au pire, paye Nuxwin pour qu'il te face une session de support (enfin pas sur qu'il veuille, même si tu le paye mdr).
Autrement, tu ne lis pas en entier, mais tu avance, cette fois ce n'était plus dans la partie Admin mais Revendeur que tu étais, encore un peu et tu découvrira... la partie Client