Posts by innodapt

    Greetings, @UncleSam

    I have been experiencing a similar issue since I configured my first i-MSCP installation (on 1.3.8) just a few weeks ago. I have done a fair amount of troubleshooting and finally created my first Bug Tracker case just a couple of hours ago.

    The problem occurs for me on Ubuntu LTS Server 14.04.5 “Trusty Tahr.” I have confirmed that does not affect Debian 8.6 “Jessie.” I had not tested Ubuntu LTS 16.04.1 “Xenial Xerus”, so I am pleased to see a possible confirmation from another user on the newer Ubuntu release. This would seem to confirm it is am Ubuntu-specific bug.

    If you run a “df -a” do you see duplicate mounts at the end of the list?

    While we await a fix, I believe this should provide a workaround to remove extraneous mounts that seem to be causing the failure (if you are seeing the same thing happening for you):

    1. df -a | grep /var/www/virtual | tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f 6 | sort | xargs -n1 umount

    After this, you should be able to clear the “hung” deletion by navigating to the “System Tools/Debugger” page (as Admin) and scrolling to the bottom for the “Pending Tasks” and click “Execute Tasks.” If that doesn’t work, run my “workaround” again and then run an imscp-autoinstall -d

    Hope this helps! I am confident that Laurent will have no trouble solving this now that we are closing in on an explanation.

    Happy New Year!

    • Ubuntu 14.04.5 Trusty Thar up-to-date
    • Updating from 1.3.10 -> 1.3.12

    I did read the errata. I am not using The only instance of that file is in the contrib/Listeners/Apache2 folders of my previous i-MSCP installations. I’m so frustrated. Every time I try to install an update I manage to break i-MSCP.

    The complete errors are:

    1. [WARN] iMSCP::Provider::Service::Upstart::_isEnabledPost090: Strings with code points over 0xFF may not be mapped into in-memory file handles
    2. [ERROR] Servers::httpd::apache_php_fpm::postinstall: Could not enable the `php5-fpm' service: Could not open in-memory file: Invalid argument at /usr/local/src/imscp-1.3.12/engine/PerlLib/iMSCP/Provider/Service/ line 464.

    ?( Suggestions?

    In this case, this definitely turned out to be a self-inflicted problem. We use IP blocks to prevent access from parts of the world that have no legitimate reason to be accessing our servers and are generally up to no good. These blocks include IP ranges used by former Eastern Bloc territories, much of Africa, parts of South America and many indiscriminate ISPs that have demonstrated an ongoing unwillingness to do anything about the compromised systems on their networks. Occasionally, benign hosts get blocked in the process. That is what was happening here.

    The key to unraveling the mystery was /var/log/clamav-unofficial-sigs/clamav-unofficial-sigs.log, where I found many iterations of this error message:

    Dec 20 22:27:36 ALERT: Could not download Sanesecurity public GPG key
    Dec 20 22:49:30 Preparing Databases
    Dec 20 22:49:31 ALERT: Could not download Sanesecurity public GPG key
    Dec 21 00:07:39 Preparing Databases
    et cetera

    After taking down my blocks (Actually, I was able to determine the specific blocks that needed to be removed by examining /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log) and forcing a reinstall (from the Unknown error information dialogue box) the atmosphere in my clamav-unofficial-sigs.log file finally turned the corner and everything started working.

    Dec 21 00:07:40 Sanesecurity public GPG key successfully downloaded
    Dec 21 00:07:40 Sanesecurity public GPG key successfully imported to custom keyring
    Dec 21 00:07:40 Sanesecurity Database & GPG Signature File Updates
    Dec 21 00:07:40 Checking for Sanesecurity updates...

    I feel pretty good about solving this myself and hope that this information will be helpful to others. If nothing else, I hope it encourages you to be inquisitive. Remember—i-MSCP is a fantastic tool, but it is not intended to be a substitute for a real administrator. Don’t be afraid to check your logs. The answers you seek are often waiting for you therein. :thumbsup:

    When I try to install the ClamAM Plugin in i-MSCP 1.3.10 running on Ubuntu Server 14.04.5 LTS Trusty, the installation stalls with a status of “Unexpected error”

    (I did follow the daemon/milter installation instructions listed here: )

    When I click the little blue question mark icon next to the “Unexpected error” status, I receive the following detail:

    • Plugin::ClamAV::_configureClamavUnofficialSigs: Unknown error

    The “Force retry” button yields the same result. I am unable to activate, deactivate, uninstall or delete the Plugin. ?( I have tried removing and reinstalling the pertinent ClamAV packages with no effect. Anybody have any advice how to proceed?

    Thanks, texxasrulez.

    I appreciate your responses. I am back up and running. Here is what I did:

    • Created another CURRENT (as broken) SQL dump of the “imscp” database (just in case).
    • Restored the “imscp” database from last night’s backup (current enough)
    • Ran the 1.3.10 auto-installer with the “-d” option this time.
    • This time I was prompted for the SQL user name and all that, but I was NOT prompted for the scary stuff (IP addresses). I take this to mean that by restoring the database I reversed whatever damage I had done by omitting the “-d” option the first time.

    I’m all good now. It has been a rough week for me—many long hours recovering from the distrusting of my CA by Apple and others—and I was not emotionally ready for another long night of clawing my way from the edge of the abyss. Your remarks gave me the confidence to proceed. My hat is off to you, my friend.
