Exactly what I wrote
Posts by c0urier
Nicely spotted =) - Glad you share it, so people can get their installations updated.
Nuxwin should already have released an updated package.
I am sorry for al the fuss. It seems that my colleague did not look at the the wlan. It was here that we found the error.So no error with i-mscp.
Yeah those Wireless Lans can be troublesome
- vlans on the other hand. Poke poke.
If you want it working correctly, then yes =).
No I wouldn't say so, mine worked pretty straight out of the box. Just remember that DNS can be a little challenging, since you are behind NAT and want to use i-MSCP as DNS server.
i-MSCP runs fine behind NAT if you configure it correctly.
I have been running it behind NAT since forever, and I haven't had any "real" problems. But I can't tell you if it works in an cloud environment.
A fix has been released:
http://blog.whmcs.com/?t=79427 -
Currently there is a nasty exploit floating around for WHMCS. It's recommended to block access to your WHMCS installation completely or disable the site by moving it away.
More information:
Link 1: http://forum.whmcs.com/showthr…WHMCS-5-2-7-Vulnerability
Link 2: https://twitter.com/whmcs/status/385811317179052032
Link 3: http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1309491 -
because adding them in panel is too mainstream and he wants a unique serverlol - Brilliant haha.
Well, it's so easy for the administrators to add that file into their skeleton directory that I don't think it's really needed to provide it out of the box.
I have to agree with Nuxwin on that one. It does not need to be a core function.