Posts by rgabor73

    Ok, I have run the installer with reconfigure po pasrameter. during install I have selected dovecot..

    There was no error, email I guess working, I have all inboxes.

    However, i n plugin page, I have Unexpected error for Roundcube Plugin:

    1. An unexpected error occurred:
    2. Plugin::RoundcubePlugins::_installComposerPackages: Initializing PEAR repository
    3. Failed to clone the repository, try running in interactive mode so that you can enter your GitHub credentials
    4. [RuntimeException] Failed to execute git clone --mirror '' '/var/www/imscp/gui/data/persistent/.composer/cache/vcs/'
    5. require [--dev] [--prefer-source] [--prefer-dist] [--no-progress] [--no-suggest] [--no-update] [--no-scripts] [--update-no-dev] [--update-with-dependencies] [--update-with-all-dependencies] [--ignore-platform-reqs] [--prefer-stable] [--prefer-lowest] [--sort-packages] [-o|--optimize-autoloader] [-a|--classmap-authoritative] [--apcu-autoloader] [--] []...

    Regardless what I do, I even restarted server, this plugin cannot be activated anymore. :(

    Installing dovecot manually is an error as i-MSCP is not aware of that... You must now rerun the i-MSCP installer with the --reconfigure po option.

    Hello Laurent,

    Thank you for the answer.

    Can you please confirm the following:

    - Is the option for managesieve_plugin is set by default to no because is only compatible with dovecot?

    - if I re configure I-MSCP and select DOVECOT as mail server, are the current inboxes will keep their current emails, etc.. ?




    Thank you. I should read the manual, right :) ?

    Anyhow, I have done that, and when I update the plugins, there is an error:

    - The `dovecot-sieve` package is not installed on your system

    I guess because I am not using dovecot ?

    If I remember well, during I_MSCP install, there was a question about emails, and I have not selected dovecot as mail server

    I tried to install dovecot manually, then the dovecot-sieve package as well, however when I reload the plugin, it does display the same error.

    Hello Laurent,

    Thank you. I did run the SQL query, but as per your suggestion, --fix-permissions did fix owner/permission issue under htdocs.

    Now I have a quite nice process to restore the server, and I only encounter one issue:

    My real server have its network card interface named as 'ens3' however my testing server having this network interface called 'ens33'

    So when I import the database dump, it surely add an entry into server_ips table with the IP and Network Interface name of the real server.

    The fact that IP is different, not a big deal, since we can reconfigure it. However, during the last step when we run the setup again, the network interface causing an error, because as per my observation, setup script create a new entry in that table with correct IP and Network Interface, however it still want to process the first one too. And since ens3 interface not exist, setup exist with an error.

    To fix it, I re-imported the database, and before running the setup, I have updated the entry in server_ips table by renaming ens3 to ens33. I did not changed IP manually.

    I run the setup again, and all went fine this time.

    Thank you for the help on this topic. I tested all and my restored test server is working fine.

    Yes. This is why I have said that better to install the plugin via IMSCP first, which will also install all required dependencies, and then restore the backup.

    I think it is much easier that way.

    One thing is still strange.

    Files under /var/www/virtual/domain/htdocs/ are not matching user and group

    As an example I see that everything in /var/www/virtual/domain/ is for vu2005:vu2005 but the files inside htdocs are for vu2008:vu2008 (which is the old user from backed up system)

    I can change that for sure, but should the re-config process take care of that?

    My backup was created with TAR and option -p to keep the permissions. So I see the permissions was kept, but new setup did not changed it.

    Or should I create the backup without keeping the permissions?

    One more issue.

    All restoration went ok, including plugins, except two of them:

    Screen Shot 2017-10-31 at 21.24.11.png

    When I click on the error I see the following:

    - Plugin::OpenDKIM::disable: Couldn't disable the `opendkim' service: iMSCP::Provider::Service::Sysvinit::_exec: Failed to execute operation: No such file or directory at /var/www/imscp/engine/PerlLib/iMSCP/ line 107.

    - Plugin::SpamAssassin::_checkRequirements: The `spamassassin` package is not installed on your system

    Please note that I have restored all /var/www/imscp/ folder and all others plugins are ok, but these two

    If I click force retry, it will display the same error.

    Perhaps these plugins cannot be restored?