Hello Dirk,
Can you please post any Log-Files regarding your problem? What is your Distro / i-MSCP Version and used Plugins?
Please remind also our Reporting rules - Reminder and give us more informations.
Hello Dirk,
Can you please post any Log-Files regarding your problem? What is your Distro / i-MSCP Version and used Plugins?
Please remind also our Reporting rules - Reminder and give us more informations.
Könntest Du uns bitte noch Deine verwendete I-MSCP Version usw. mitteilen, wie es die Reporting rules - Reminder vorsehen?
Ich glaube dass das Problem hier nicht an awstats liegt, sondern ein grundlegendes Problem mit "unautorisierten Zugriffen" möglich ist.
Ohne das Du die Log-Files hier postest, wird es aber schwer, nähere Analysen und Erkenntnisse daraus zu schließen.
Ebenso fehlen die, in den Reporting Rules festgelegten Informationen um einerseits eventuelle Fehler von AWStats ein- bzw. auszuschließen, und Dir dann weiterführend eine zufriedenstellende Antwort geben zu können.
Danke für Dein Verständnis.
Thank you very much for your test.
I will try to set new evasive rules that are not so sensitive and will give you feedback afterwards.
Best regards.
Hello @Nuxwin
Thanks for your answer.
No i don´t use the PanelRedirect Plugin.
Here is the conf file: (The white listed IP 89.26.xx.xxx is also blocked)
and here the latest error log file:
Best regads.
I found this "solution" in our Forum Database: imscp_traffic status error and upgrade
Hope that helps.
Best regards.
Hello @ all!
I searched the forum and found this thread: https://i-mscp.net/index.php/Thread/2863-403-Forbidden/
We get from time to time an Forbidden-Error 403 with enabled mod_evasive. When we deactivate this, all works fine.
Has anyone the solution to let mod_evasive work perfect together with I-MSCP? Or is the only solution to deactivate it?
OS: Debian 8.7
Let´s Encrypt
Best regards.
I think this is the same issue like that: AWStats password not updated on customer password recovery
@Nuxwin has provided an fix in the github-repo.
A.T.M. i only see one solution: Upgrade to I-MSCP 1.3.x
Did you have some LOG-Files to reproduce this error in detail?
Hope that helps you.
Best regards.
Hello @Rj01
Do you have setup as reseller for every customer an own "customer" (sry that sounds strange but i hope you understand what i mean) ?
When yes, then is the Username for your Customers the Domainname like domain.tld
And the password is the password what you set for your customer.
Attached you can find some pictures where you can find the informations. (Sry for German backend)
Best regards