Posts by Dylan

    Ok, finnally it's change status, with error:


    : General error: 3 Error writing file '/tmp/MYGBpQzQ' (Errcode: 28)']

    Email from this error arrived:
    Plugin Manager: SpamAssassin plugin update has failed


    I tried to update Spamassasin plugin from 1.1.1 to 2.0.1, but it's stacked in "update in progress" status (cca 30 min).
    What can I do?

    i-mscp version: 1.4.4
    OS: Debian 8.7 Jessie

    Nuxwin please not close threads immediattelly. Someone might be help us, if you not close topic.

    My main problem was that the same what Goodpeace mentioned this topic so I tried to update my Spamassasin plugin first.

    Hi Nuxwin

    I tried to install the LetsEncrypt plugin, but I have an error message on panel:


    Plugin::LetsEncrypt::enable: E: Packages were downgraded and -y was used without --allow-downgrades

    Os: Debian 9.1
    i-mscp 1.4.7
    plugin: 3.3.0

    It's a fresh server.

    Thank you for your help.

    Problem solved.

    - Deactivate plugin
    - Remove plugin
    - Install plugin

    After this step, there are an error message in i-MSCP panel:

    1. Plugin :: SpamAssassin :: _ setSpamassassinUserprefs: Error while executing statement: Duplicate entry $ GLOBAL- use_pyzor -1 ' for key ' user_pref

    Now I saw around in DB, and found imscp_spamassasin database a userpref table.
    Truncate it, and after it, I can install plugin, and it's working!


    After this install, the userpref table still empty, so I must deactivate, and remove full plugin, and reupload, reinstall it.
    Now, table contain some rows, and work as expected.


    I installed SpamAssasin on my system, but I have the some problem, what was in this topic:

    OS: Debian Jessie
    i-MSCP v ersion: 1.4.4
    Plugin version: 1.1.1

    When I run command: service spamassassin status command, result is:

    Tried to deactivate / reactivate plugin, but not helped. :whistling: