Posts by Dylan

    I had this problem too, but the reason was, that domain wasn't a live domain (not registered yet) and in this case LetsEncrypt doesn't work yet.
    You must register and set the domain name, and wait couple of hour after registration, to all DNS servers refresh.
    So just add a new domain is not enough, it's must have a correcly working domain name.

    First of all, thank you for this great plugin!

    I have some feature idea which nice would be great:

    - Enable / disable Let's Encrypt option for customers (like software installer)
    - Enable / disable Let's Encrypt option for resllers (like software installer)

    Sorry, I have a new problem about this.

    It's seems, cron script not run.
    When I run it manualy (/root/, it's ok, but if I add a new domain to master, slave not sync it automatically after period.

    So I think, maybe this command wrong:

    1. echo '30 * * * * root bash /root/' > /etc/cron.d/syncdns

    The /root/ chmod is: 0755
    Chown: root

    On /etc/cron.d there are syncdns it contains:

    1. 5 * * * * root bash /root/

    Any idea?
    Thank you!

    There's a bug in Monitorix 1.2.1 - you should use the 1.2.2 from…aster/incubator/Monitorix. This version works for me without problems...

    Thank you @team-o it's a little better, but not perfect.

    I uninstalled the previous version, and delete, after it install this version (1.2.2)
    First, I have not /var/www/imscp/gui/plugins/Monitorix/themes/default/assets/images/graphs dir, but I solved, create this.

    ftp graphs wasn't ok, because wrong file name in the 20-imscp.conf file:
    ftp_log = /var/log/proftpd/access.log

    correct is:
    ftp_log = /var/log/proftpd/xferlog

    Now, the basic graphs works, but I want to use these too:
    - mysql
    I made the changes in /etc/monitorix/conf.d/00-debian.conf set the correct mysql user/password, but I have no mysql graphs.

    - fail2ban
    No graphs. I think, maybe no fail2ban activity today.

    - du
    It's not listed on the frontend select box.
    It's very strange, because I added it to the config.php file graph_enabled section.

    But what I saw after every file (config.php) modification:
    It has no any effect in /etc/monitorix/conf.d file.
    Deactivate/activate plugin no any effect.

    Btw a made hungarian translation for this plugin.