welches log-File?
awstats generiert doch gar keins
apache2 log files?
welches log-File?
awstats generiert doch gar keins
apache2 log files?
nice solution, the WP & joomla hacks have stopped since we use it
but the customers still have to update their outdated CMS, yesterday we have checked all the webs and notified all customers
Thank you for the great work on 1.3.16!
ok, maybe we could exclude just for one specific directory ...
is it possible to allow one specific php file w/ this rule?
f.ex. a customer have a watermark.php inside the /images folder
on the move I like to use munin with my smartphone ...
In a previous version of PanelRedirect I was able to set an exception (for panel URL /munin)
but current 00_nameserver.conf does no longer allow this
What would be the best solution to allow htaccess auth in
Alias /munin /var/cache/munin/www
e.g. exception in 00_nameserver.conf ...
IMSCP 1.3.8
Debian 8.6
I'm trying to upgrade as a final test in a V-Box w/ a copy of the original 1.3.8 system, after customer rebuild action I get an imscp_traffic error.
disabled all plugins - uninstalled roundcube plugin
I was able to login mysql w/ root and debian_maint PW
iptables -L - empty accept all
checked IMSCP debugger before - no errors
looks very good, thanks Nuxwin!