Posts by i0sen

    After running the command i get the following error : "Failed to restart php5-fpm.service: Unit php5-fpm.service failed to load: No such file or directory."

    this is my imscp.conf file:
    (i did not find any PHP_SERVER info)

    I have found a php5 cgi process with top but i cant restart this process either it gives me the same error:
    Failed to restart php5-cgi.service: Unit php5-cgi.service failed to load: No such file or directory.

    apache2 on debian 8 i dont think that's the answer to your question :/ where do i find what implementation I'm using ?

    HI I'm getting Error 503 since one day I hvent changed anything in IMSCP or Wordpress Website:

    Apache2 log:

    HI I'm getting Error 503 since one day I hvent changed anything :( in IMSCP or Wordpress Website:

    Apache2 log:

    Hi I'm trying to install a Wordpress plugin that allows me to upload files to my website. But its limited at 10MB. Where can i increase or set the max file size to unlimited in IMSCP ? In the Admin panel I found something but it already was unlimited. In the Reseller and Client Accounts i could not find these Settings.
    THX and have a nice day !