Posts by Maiex_


    und zwar wollte ich WBB installieren jedoch hat der installer nicht genug Arbeitsspeicher zugewiesen bekommen bzw. nicht genug vorhanden.
    Wie kann ich der Website mehr RAM zur Verfügung stellen?

    Ich hoffe einer kann mir denn Speicherort sagen wo die php.ini File ist


    Answer from the command "perl /var/www/imscp/engine/imscp-rqst-mngr -v"

    1. [DEBUG] iMSCP::Bootstrapper::boot: Booting backend...[DEBUG] iMSCP::Config::_init: Tying /etc/imscp/imscp.conf[DEBUG] iMSCP::Config::_loadConfig: Loading /etc/imscp/imscp.conf[DEBUG] iMSCP::Config::_parseConfig: Parsing /etc/imscp/imscp.conf[DEBUG] iMSCP::Bootstrapper::lock: Acquire exclusive lock on /tmp/imscp.lock[DEBUG] main::_process: Processing Plugin module items[DEBUG] main::_process: Processing Plugin items.[DEBUG] main::_process: No item to process for the Plugin module.[DEBUG] main::_process: Processing SSLcertificate module items[DEBUG] main::_process: Processing SSLcertificate items.[DEBUG] main::_process: No item to process for the SSLcertificate module.[DEBUG] main::_process: Processing User module items[DEBUG] main::_process: Processing User items.[DEBUG] main::_process: No item to process for the User module.[DEBUG] main::_process: Processing Domain module items[DEBUG] main::_process: Processing Domain items.[DEBUG] main::_process: No item to process for the Domain module.[DEBUG] main::_process: Processing Subdomain module items[DEBUG] main::_process: Processing Subdomain items.[DEBUG] main::_process: No item to process for the Subdomain module.[DEBUG] main::_process: Processing Alias module items[DEBUG] main::_process: Processing Alias items.[DEBUG] main::_process: No item to process for the Alias module.[DEBUG] main::_process: Processing SubAlias module items[DEBUG] main::_process: Processing SubAlias items.[DEBUG] main::_process: No item to process for the SubAlias module.[DEBUG] main::_process: Processing CustomDNS module items[DEBUG] main::_process: Processing CustomDNS items.[DEBUG] main::_process: No item to process for the CustomDNS module.[DEBUG] main::_process: Processing CustomDNS module items[DEBUG] main::_process: Processing CustomDNS items.[DEBUG] main::_process: No item to process for the CustomDNS module.[DEBUG] main::_process: Processing Mail module items[DEBUG] main::_process: Processing Mail items.[DEBUG] main::_process: No item to process for the Mail module.[DEBUG] main::_process: Processing Htusers module items[DEBUG] main::_process: Processing Htusers items.[DEBUG] main::_process: No item to process for the Htusers module.[DEBUG] main::_process: Processing Htgroup module items[DEBUG] main::_process: Processing Htgroup items.[DEBUG] main::_process: No item to process for the Htgroup module.[DEBUG] main::_process: Processing Htaccess module items[DEBUG] main::_process: Processing Htaccess items.[DEBUG] main::_process: No item to process for the Htaccess module.[DEBUG] main::_process: Processing SubAlias module items[DEBUG] main::_process: Processing SubAlias items.[DEBUG] main::_process: No item to process for the SubAlias module.[DEBUG] main::_process: Processing Alias module items[DEBUG] main::_process: Processing Alias items.[DEBUG] main::_process: No item to process for the Alias module.[DEBUG] main::_process: Processing Subdomain module items[DEBUG] main::_process: Processing Subdomain items.[DEBUG] main::_process: No item to process for the Subdomain module.[DEBUG] main::_process: Processing Domain module items[DEBUG] main::_process: Processing Domain items.[DEBUG] main::_process: No item to process for the Domain module.[DEBUG] main::_process: Processing User module items[DEBUG] main::_process: Processing User items.[DEBUG] main::_process: No item to process for the User module.[DEBUG] main::_process: Processing NetCard module items[DEBUG] main::_process: Processing NetCard items.[DEBUG] main::_process: No item to process for the NetCard module.

    Debug File:

    1. [Sun Dec 27 23:53:53 2015] [error] iMSCP::File::getWFileHandle: Unable to open /etc/awstats/awstats."Domain".conf
    2. [Sun Dec 27 23:53:53 2015] [error] iMSCP::File::save: Unable to save file


    ich habe mir Gestern einen neuen Account hinzugefügt und der Status lautet wie folgt:

    iMSCP::File::getWFileHandle: Unable to open /etc/awstats/awstats."Domain".conf iMSCP::File::save: Unable to save file

    ich habe absolut keine Ahnung was die da umstellen muss und hoffe das mir jemand helfen kann.
    Wenn was benötigt wird einfach bescheid sagen.
