Posts by TheCry

    As far as I known, most of providers DNS interfaces accept unquoted strings. When the string is longer than 255 bytes, the backend cut them (create the quoted strings).

    Correct... My DNS provider only allows 255 bytes. So i must split the hole string in different parts like this

    1. "v=DKIM1; h=sha256; k=rsa; s=email; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAz/ExVpY7kE26VJFY1jiTSfxtZFaT/wZYsGNF4900TTpSZH055vECA67TRb+kzq1bsP0i+5yLrPZO02Kh" "6sGHc1k44WpzdlNv+mKpZrw8/Z1++OcrP1JnfM9OIyq1aY2C0ex7XdEaHRldpcTdqWDjBPAEEDW+W809xGVQNEV1rnlhcDCWet5na2D3nBnUit8IBLo8FyOxiI3STE" "mExqt6SBaeGJLpNNbnm741byRrr6qHf1sq6xyk0EKbJfLyOJrk20FJeva3o1AXwuOV9A9fbObjCpTzQlZdMTf0yHY2aS7nCzWnTsFDyt7uAotHstLjove3HhsXEIGM/tLRej1fyQIDAQAB"

    The quotes are ok. This will work

    Yes.. That is the code part

    1. $file = iMSCP::File->new( filename => "/etc/opendkim/keys/$domain/mail.txt" );my $fileContent = $file->get( );unless (defined $fileContent) {error( sprintf( "Couldn't read %s file", $file->{'filename'} ) );return 1;}$fileContent =~ s/"\n(.*)"p=/ p=/sgm; # Fix for Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr(my $txtRecord) = ($fileContent =~ /(".*")/);

    This code will only take the first 2 lines.

    1. mail._domainkey IN TXT ( "v=DKIM1; h=sha256; k=rsa; s=email; ""p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0vds<xdvbBAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAwrBTXhnPAwcUouftzopl8L0vOgrVdfgdfgafgWFgIt+HuXOVDV81a/H3Z492TbrV/C2DPHalI0aWlyx83457IYPq1pz72reygBXuvByNT4HIZZAmsdgfgdfgdj1UsVo+JQKniT9U60Ae1Fdi5wRpB48wyXNTEj7456RamhHrEuwsTufdfgdfgdfgT9VyhT6KPTzoRxddgpeMHF65LJgHeOpKCg1Yf+es4+/egbR57HYq1b7+p""41Cn19ZoVdn7UD67kL3A+rasd+ggfgJyqatnqwdjXZfsqo/Bgb79ZiMFCifUaTazoSnw/IBSk5iIov7M6AoC5G5zeGd+b6uV/HC3tLNCWlKloLhjjH8jN7Xvysc/fv3dffdsdasSAAEQnWXjfPIPp30eaP6o+3fnfQIDAQAB" ) ; ----- DKIM key mail for nodomain.tld

    This line

    1. "41Cn19ZoVdn7UD67kL3A+rasd+ggfgJyqatnqwdjXZfsqo/Bgb79ZiMFCifUaTazoSnw/IBSk5iIov7M6AoC5G5zeGd+b6uV/HC3tLNCWlKloLhjjH8jN7Xvysc/fv3dffdsdasSAAEQnWXjfPIPp30eaP6o+3fnfQIDAQAB"

    is not available in the GUI.

    There is a problem with the export of the public key under Debian Stretch.
    In Debian Jessie the public key has only one line:

    1. mail._domainkey IN TXT "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIDSDV<SXVBS<Vb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDHJ+8pG+jUnkP6166v7vecRiJeFmMaNyxcyxcwPPfKF869Z0A7TOOLXbtqGRPaoC38NUWznmiJ5+k2fPY8dfZgOkF76Dtafsrg<vbe+Pu+zfNHh4AF8ZNLc6ZP+p5Jr0iVtZ/LIXsM4kqKo+s39Tc5994EPNJYlkvihoRXVan4ye3tjbSA4Zrrede44wW6o4yO6wIDAQAB" ; ----- DKIM key mail for nodomain.tld

    Under Debian Stretch the public key has 3 lines

    1. mail._domainkey IN TXT ( "v=DKIM1; h=sha256; k=rsa; s=email; "
    2. "p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0vds<xdvbBAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAwrBTXhnPAwcUouftzopl8L0vOgrVdfgdfgafgWFgIt+HuXOVDV81a/H3Z492TbrV/C2DPHalI0aWlyx83457IYPq1pz72reygBXuvByNT4HIZZAmsdgfgdfgdj1UsVo+JQKniT9U60Ae1Fdi5wRpB48wyXNTEj7456RamhHrEuwsTufdfgdfgdfgT9VyhT6KPTzoRxddgpeMHF65LJgHeOpKCg1Yf+es4+/egbR57HYq1b7+p"
    3. "41Cn19ZoVdn7UD67kL3A+rasd+ggfgJyqatnqwdjXZfsqo/Bgb79ZiMFCifUaTazoSnw/IBSk5iIov7M6AoC5G5zeGd+b6uV/HC3tLNCWlKloLhjjH8jN7Xvysc/fv3dffdsdasSAAEQnWXjfPIPp30eaP6o+3fnfQIDAQAB" ) ; ----- DKIM key mail for nodomain.tld

    I think the public key parser have to be changed for Debian Strecht. At the moment i get the public key on the console


    Du musst einmal einen User in i-MSCP anlegen der von überall (%) oder von einer bestimmten IP-Adresse auf die Datenbank zugreifen darf.
    Dann musst Du in der "/etc/mysql/my.cnf" die Zeile

    1. bind-address =

    eine Raute vorsetzen

    1. #bind-address =

    Anschließend MySQL Daemon restarten

    Kleiner Tip am Rande! Ein offenes Port von MySQL wird gerne im Internet für Hack-Attacken gesucht.
    Sichere das mit Fail2Ban ab. Dazu aktiere in der "/etc/mysql/my.cnf" folgendes:

    1. log_warnings = 278 log_error = /var/log/mysql/error.log

    In Fail2Ban (/etc/fail2ban/jail.conf) musst Du dann den Filter "mysqld-auth" aktivieren:

    1. [mysqld-auth]
    2. enabled = true
    3. filter = mysqld-auth
    4. port = 3306
    5. maxretry = 2
    6. bantime = 2592000
    7. logpath = /var/log/mysql/error.log

    Damit bist Du auf jeden Fall etwas geschützt!

    Die Datenbanken der User werden auch nicht durch das Setup von i-MSCP recovered.
    Da musst Du schon in jeden Webspace gehen und wiederherstellen.

    Was genau hast Du denn alles gesichert?

    Btw.. Die Grants der einzelnen Datenbankbenutzer musst Du manuell durchführen. Dafür hat Nuxwin mir mal ein PHP-Skript gegeben

    if i add an alias domain, at the end of the url the panel allways add a / at the end.
    That is bad if i add an URL with simple html site:

    1. http://my-forward-domain.tld/forward-side.html

    The panel makes this

    1. http://my-forward-domain.tld/forward-side.html/


    I'm using the latest stable under Debian Stretch