Posts by TheCry

    Good morning Daniel...
    So... Now my comment... Thumbs up... Everything works.
    Installation works!
    After Instalaltion i logged in to the adminpanel without any problems.
    Then i checked the ProFTP with SSL... I use FileZilla for the test.
    For the server i used the domain of the adminpanel, because the SSL-Cert only matched with this Domain:
    Username: MyUsername
    Password: MyPassword
    Encryption: Explitit FTP over TLS

    It works properly.

    Now i checked postfix and courier:
    I use Thunderbird to test all... I configured at first IMAP:
    Connection works... But after this i got an error in Thunderbird... I don't know wheter it is a problem from Thunderbird or from the server:
    But i can send emails and i receive emails with SSL.

    The last test i made was POP3 with SSL:
    Everything works properly...
    So i think we can close this thread...
    Thank you for the fast help

    Ich kann Dein Problem nicht nachvollziehen.
    Auf meinem Server läuft der aktuelleste Trunk und jedes Paket lässt sich ohne Probleme vom WebDepot in das Softwaredepot installieren...

    Wenn Du ein Problem hast dann aktiviere bitte den Debug in der imscp.conf.
    Dann werden auch Logs vom AppInstaller geschrieben.

    Well Daniel...
    The setup runs perfect!
    But after installation the apache hang up and i'm not able to connect through the webinterface.
    I need to kill the apache.
    If i start the apache again i got this error in the default-error.log

    1. [Tue Jul 26 08:41:56 2011] [warn] RSA server certificate is a CA certificate (BasicConstraints: CA == TRUE !?)[Tue Jul 26 08:41:56 2011] [warn] RSA server certificate is not a leaf certificate (BasicConstraints: pathlen == 1 > 0 !?)[Tue Jul 26 08:41:56 2011] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `PositiveSSL CA' does NOT match server name!?[Tue Jul 26 08:41:56 2011] [error] Unable to configure RSA server private key[Tue Jul 26 08:41:56 2011] [error] SSL Library Error: 185073780 error:0B080074:x509 certificate routines:X509_check_private_key:key values mismatch

    If i add the lines manually

    1. SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/admin_srv04_myDomain_de.crt
    2. SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/ssl/admin_srv04_myDomain_de.key
    3. SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/apache2/ssl/

    everything is ok.


    I have intermediate certificate

    1. openssl verify -CAfile srv04.crtadmin_srv04_meinedomain.crt: OK

    Thats not the problem. While installation is the problem.. The dialog asked 3 different files:
    1. My key-file
    2. the cert-file
    3. the intermediate certificate file

    On step 2 the dialog will not accept my cert file. Only the intermediate certificate file will be accepted. That's the hole problem...

    Now i'd looked inside the setup.log

    1. Modules::openssl::ssl_check_cert: /etc/apache2/ssl/srv04.crt: /OU=Domain Control Validated/OU=PositiveSSL/
    2. error 20 at 0 depth lookup:unable to get local issuer certificate
    3. [ERROR] [Mon Jul 25 18:05:28 2011] Modules::openssl::ssl_check_cert: Certificate /etc/apache2/ssl/srv04.crt is not valid. Exiting...

    Maybe you have to change the dialog. At first you ask for the the intermediate certificate file and then fpr the cert file, or?

    At first i do this

    1. openssl rsa -in /root/certs/srv04.key -noout -passin pass:""


    1. openssl verify /root/certs/srv04.crt

    This is the Error

    1. srv04.crt: /OU=Domain Control Validated/OU=PositiveSSL/
    2. error 20 at 0 depth lookup:unable to get local issuer certificate

    Today i'd installed a new server with Debian Squeeze...
    After this i used the nightly script to install imscp..
    Everything seems to be ok...
    At the step with the ssl for the panel i choosed the offical ssl cert, because i'd buyed a cert on (Positiv SSL).
    I'd created a key and a csr on my server.
    After this i put the key-file into the folder /etc/apache2/ssl/. As i received the cert i uploaded the intermediate and the cert file to the same folder (/etc/apache2/ssl/).

    While the installation of imscp the diaglog asked for the keyfile... OK -This works.
    After this the dialog asked for the certfile and there began my problem... I put the right path and the correct filename, but at the bottom of the dialog you can see an error that the certfile is not a certifacte.
    If i put there the intermediate file the dialog will go on... But the next mask ask me again for the intermediate file...
    Top complete the diaglog i put the same file for the intermediate..

    After all the setup completed correctly. But the ssl doesn't work.
    I should edit the 00_master_ssl.conf on my own to enable the correct ssl files.

    I hope you understand me Daniel..


    Das könnte man für die zukünftige Version mit einbeziehen...
    Die Idee ist nicht schlecht..
    Lass uns erst einmal i-MSCP auf Zend umstellen, dann können wir das auch gerne angehen.

    That's a problem of the font...

    1. 'TR_WEBDEPOT' => tr('i-MSCP application installer web software depot'),

    There is anything ok!

    Use the Web software depot...
    Then you will see a list wich packages are available...
    This is a new option for the app installer...
    You can active it in the admin menues...

    But it is activated after a new installation!
    Then you can give rights to the resellers to use this option.