Proxmox Mail Gateway is not a ISP-Mailgateway. It is meant to be used for an internal company mailserver (like exchange). It does have an API, but it's support for multiple domains and smtp-auth is pretty limited.
Better choice for ISP would be Mailcleaner or Scrollout F1.
The latter has no API but it is based on csv-files, so you could export your domains+setting to scrollout. Also Scrollout has no multi tenancy features, so you could not let your customers mange their domains by themselves (only admin login which manages all domains).
Posts by flames
add port 11371 to safe ports on your proxy
Hello Omi Azad,
3. Yes, no issues. As many domains as you want per IP
@FloRet88, I guess he is asking this, because if you use IP based vhosts and have multiple domains (servername, serveralias) on it, you can specify only one SSL certificate, which is only for one domain. This is more a historical issue.
i-MSCP is working with name based vhosts, so it has per domain its own vhost and SSL certificate. -
Can't reproduce, demo is available.
Probably it was some temporary network issue. -
This is a linux question, nothing with i-MSCP, did you even tried to google?…nother-existing-partition -
This question is answered so many times already...
in your i-MSCP installation folder (i.e. /usr/local/src/imscp-1.5.1/) you will find a folder "contrib", there is a listener (contrib/Listeners/Named/, which disables original resource records, when custom records are created, that conflict with the original one. copy it to /etc/imscp/listener.d/and run setup again.
here is the reference on github:… -
Hallo Alrol,
die manuelle Bearbeitung von Zonen macht nicht viel Sinn, da sie nach jeder Bearbeitung durch i-MSCP erneut überschrieben werden, sowie beim Update von i-MSCP.
Falls es sich um einzelne Resourcerecords handelt, die du manuell in die Zonen eingefügt hast, dann mach es über i-MSCP, Kunden-Ansicht, Eigene DNS Einträge (muss evtl. vom Reseller noch freigeschaltet werden).
Falls die grundsätzliche Änderungen sind, die in das Zonen-Template gehören, dann kannst du dir einen Listener erstellen, für Beispiele schaust du hier . Evtl. findet sich dort ein Listener dort, den man nur ein wenig anpassen muss, da es bereits für sehr viele Dinge einen gibt.
Yes, use this listener…
And then just create the DNS record in "custom DNS" interface -
You need to remove your custom MX record, the default MX record will be automatically recreated.
Also, if you use an external DNS service, so change the MX record there also to your i-MSCP server instead the old external mailserver. There you probably need to change/create two records:mail.domain.tld. IN A imscp.server.ip.address
domain.tld. IN MX 10 mail.domain.tld. -
kannst du bitte die vollständige Log-Datei mitgeben /var/log/imscp/imscp-autoinstall.log
ich vermute der eigentliche Fehler ist nach dem "......." sichtbaredit: ja, ich habe eine Test VM mit Stretch eingerichtet, allerdings eine frische, kein Upgrade von früherem Debian.