Posts by flames

    @technotravel, so for you suits the option 1.
    the plugin you linked might actually work, as i last seen it, it was very unstable/unusable. hope that it is now working better, then it would be an awesome alternative to the paid plugins.
    there is a company (i don't like to link directly, please google) which offers a plugin, you can call it "pro" which is working very good. i will try to cut out some spare time to test the free plugin you linked.

    the Baikal server i didnt knew yet, thanks for link (will test it also).
    my personal favorite is darwin calendar server (it includes also carddav). it is a bit hard to setup, but it is the most reliable from my personal point of view.
    another one i tested a while ago is sabredav (which is basically a php *dav library). btw. owncloud is using sabredav, and is prety reliable. it does not support push. because push is an activesync feature (microsoft) which were ported only to a few *dav servers. in most cases semi opensource stuff like "open exchange" and expensive non opensource groupware solutions.

    edit: i want to share some of my personal experience with that. which is not alway up to date, so no warranty for the ultimate solutin :)

    answering to the thread starting question.

    first to clear, do you want a carddav/caldav server embedded in roundcube? or a client?

    1. option: server implemetation plugins (plugins are not free), they allow, that roundcube saves the addressbook and calendar info in its database and offers a webdav interface that acts like a server to your mobile devices and desktop clients.

    2. option would be a *dav client plugin for roundcube, so you need to install some calendar and adressbook server on your machine (there are multiple good around). in this case your your mobile devices and desctop clients connect to that servers. this is a more reliable way but also much much more complicated to setup. because those *dav servers need to be managed separately and !maybe! find some time the way into imscp. the biggest advantage is, that such servers have also a push implementation to sync your data, while the 1. option is time triggered (you can choose a sync intervall offered by your client, i.e. every 5, 10, 15 minutes or so).

    for most situations the first option would be the most suitable.
    so just go and buy those plugins for roundcube (a third party [imscp and roundcube organisations are NOT related to that company to be precise]. iirc the company offers them for about 20-40 euro each), the installation is a peace of cake, upload to roundcube plugin folder, activate in main config of roundcube, enjoy. every user that can access roundcube has also its own caldav/carddav space. there are also options to share with other users.

    please don't expect us to reasale or pirate those paid plugins for you. we can not implement them, as they are not free and not opensource.

    while fail2ban is indeed a common tool for a hosting server, it doesn't really need a gui, its a pure server-administration task.
    still, a nice through-thought gui for fail2ban might be interesting, but as a plugin or a separate tool like
    i-MSCP should stay a hosting management panel (reseller/customer management), other tools as a plugin or separate, else i-MSCP will become an "Jack of all trades"
    if anbody wants to make a plugin, this might be helpful

    dass ein plugin nicht geladen werden konnte. veraltetes plugin, passt nicht zur i-mscp version. plugin in der datenbank deaktivieren, plugin ordner sichern und entfernen, i-mscp setup erneut starten.
    suche nutzen wie man plugin in der datenbank deaktiviert. steht auch in der anleitung (errata file), dass man plugins vor der installation deaktiveren muss.

    Hello Guys,
    I support Ninos' way. UTF-8 is default, and since it is, there are less problems with charsets.
    After this change (in php) you just see those admins popping up, who do not really know what they do :D
    best practice is to update old php scripts, if not possible, admin has to decide (i.e. via listener file) which charset he wants to be default on his system. w/o this decision, utf-8 should be default.

    auf die gleiche Weise:

    Domain: domain.tld
    Typ: A
    Klasse: IN
    Name: sub

    aachtung, dieses Mal ohne trailing dot, ergibt sub.domain.tld
    bei dem Versuch vorher, die komplette Domain ohne trailing Dot anzugeben, hätte ergeben domain.tld.domain.tld, was i-MSCP selbstverständlich nicht erlaubt.

    habe gerade mit der 1.2.11 getestet, hinzufügen des custom records funktioniert. vielleicht den trailing dot vergessen? Oder veraltete i-MSCP Version? Bitte Specs im Profil angeben.

    als Kunde einloggen/wechseln - Domains - Eigene DNS EInträge anlegen (CustomDNS für Reseller und Kunden aktiviert)

    Domain: domain.tld
    Typ: A
    Klasse: IN
    Name: domain.tld.

    @f4Nm1Z9k2P, so ist es. Betrieb eigener Nameserver muss allen Richtlinien entsprechen. Min. zwei NS Server in verschiedenen Geolocations (oder pfusch mit zwei oder einem server mit 2 IPs aus verschiedenen Subnets, korrekte Konfiguration, PTR, usw...

    Verstehe ich richtig, dass dein i-MSCP Server als Primärer Nameserver beim Registrar eingetragen ist?
    Falls ja, diesen Listener installieren…/Named/
    Domain in i-MSCP anlegen, unter Custom DNS einen IN A Eintrag erstellen domain.tld. IN A ip.des.externen.webhosts
    Der Listener sorgt dafür, dass der i-MSCP eigene IN A record entfernt wird, sobald es einen Custom DNS Record für die Hauptdomain gibt

    Wie gesagt, dies erfordert, dass der i-MSCP Server als Primärer Nameserver beim Registrar eingetragen ist und es einen Sekundären Nameserver gibt, der die Zonen ebenfalls führt. Den Wissens-Gap über DNS unbedingt beheben :)

    Falls nicht eingetragen, dann wird DNS eh komplett beim Registrar verwaltet, wie die Jungs vorher bereits sagten, dort entsprechend IN A und IN MX Einträge verwalten. Ist die einfachste und richtige Vorgehensweise.