Posts by Benjamin Tamrael

    thank you for the clarification. yes i'm aware my "btw" comment was useless as it had no good error to report and i can't/won't reproduce the error as i lost 4 hours worse of mails because of the rollback.

    don't get me wrong, i really love imscp and all the hard work you put into this. maybe i'll try and reproduce the error on a second machine just to figure out what went wrong.
    if i find anything i'll submit a bug to the bugtracker.

    i apologize if i upset you in any way.

    Hi imcp-Team,

    i recently upgraded imscp to 1.2.9 and upgraded the roundcube plugin with it to 1.2.3
    Sadly ever since the update mailusers can't access their tasks stored in roundcube in edit mode nor can they write new tasks in extended mode.
    Both is caused by a mismatch between the jquery version and the call to ui-tabs

    1. Uncaught Error: no such method 'select' for tabs widget instance

    if someone could please change line 1052 in "RoundcubePlugins/roundcube-plugins/tasklisttasklist.js" from

    1. $('#taskedit').tabs('select', 0);


    1. $('#taskedit').tabs('option', {'active': 0});

    jQuery UI lost the "select" method a while ago
    That should do the trick and my users will leave me alone again :D