Yesterday I have reinstall Debian Wheezy and with this occasion the RC version of i-mscp. The system is working great, congrats for the good job!
Posts by Delta04
Good to know! Now the only problem is that I have a server ready for action but the only issue, apparently is the Ajax Explorer.
Hello everyone!
I just install the latest stable version of i-mscp (, unfortunately at that time I haven't seen the maintenance version on a new Debian Wheezy and there is a compatibility problem with the version of Ajax Explorer embedded in the i-mscp.
After a small research on the web I find out that the problem came from the php version in the Wheezy (5.4.4-14).
Is there a way to update Ajax Explorer to the latest version so that it will work without problems on Wheezy?Thanks!
Yes Nuxwin, I know about reverse DNS / name mail server. It's all OK from this side, only issue is that postfix must use the MX IP address as a sent server.
I saw the french tutorial and I understand what it's all about but the idea is to integrate somehow in the i-mscp engine not to add manually the ip and hello name for each domain.
If we figure this out somehow it would be a great idea to implement it in the next version of i-mscp.
Hmm, where do I find this input? In and there isn't any line that looks like that.
Later edit: OK, now I see...
Thanks for the answer. Probably must be something like this in the postfix
smtp_bind_address = $IP , where ip is the one used by the MX in the dns zone, ex the ip who answer on mail.domain-example.tld.I'm quite sure that someone is using a spammy newsletter to "improve" his business. It would be a good idea to throttle so somehow the mail server to a max number of mails/hour on each domain/ip.
Returning to the issue, how to solve smtp_bind_address = $IP
Thanks! -
Hello evryone!
For the last few months I have the surprise that my server is listed in CBL. After a few investigations, I saw that despite that every domain is hosted on his dedicated IP address, everyone is sending mail from the default IP (the one iMSCP is using for default).
To be more exactly, let's say that the server has 3 public IP addresses IP1 IP2 IP3, every one has a domain. IP1 is also the default imscp address.
If the domain hosted on IP2 is doing something bad, like spam, despite his own MX/IP address, he send mail from IP1. Unfortunately all other domains are blacklisted.Below I'll attached a part of the email header that can give you a better view of the issue. In this case, domeniu.tld is not linked to IP1-DEFAULT but the mail was sent from this address.
Received: from server4.domeniu.tld (server4.domeniu.tld. [IP1-DEFAULT])
by with ESMTP id g10si14964610pay.56.2013.;
Mon, 21 Jan 2013 11:18:24 -0800 (PST)
Received-SPF: pass ( domain of mail@domeniu.tld designates IP1-DEFAULT as permitted sender) client-ip=IP1-DEFAULT;
spf=pass ( domain of mail@domeniu.tld designates IP1-DEFAULT as permitted sender) smtp.mail=mail@domeniu.tld
....I wonder if there is a solution to fix this, so that if a domain/client is making spam, the rest of the domains are not affected by blacklisting.
Hello Nuxwin!
I don't know in what category my observation can be included. Probably in something called bug fixing.
I'll try to translate in English what I have written in Romanian, could you tell me where can I post it?
In ultima vreme ma tot trezesc cu serverul listat in CBL. Dupa ce a facut cateva sapaturi, am aflat ca chiar daca fiecare domeniu are MX-ul si IP-ul lui, email-urile se trimit tot de pe adresa IP default.
Povestea mai pe larg ar fi, serverul are sa zicem 3 adrese IP publice, pe care sa le notam IP1, IP2, IP3. Fiecare IP are alocat un domeniu. IP1 este si adresa de administrare default a imscp-ului. Daca domeniul de pe IP2 face vre-o prostie, aparent serverul de mail in ciuda faptului ca mai.domeniu.tld alocat IP2 este si MX, mail-ul este trimis de pe adresa defaul a serverului IP1 si astfel toate domeniile sunt listate in blacklist.Atasez o parte dintr-un header de email trimis de pe server:
Received: from server4.domeniu.tld (server4.domeniu.tld. [IP1-DEFAULT])
by with ESMTP id g10si14964610pay.56.2013.;
Mon, 21 Jan 2013 11:18:24 -0800 (PST)
Received-SPF: pass ( domain of mail@domeniu.tld designates IP1-DEFAULT as permitted sender) client-ip=IP1-DEFAULT;
spf=pass ( domain of mail@domeniu.tld designates IP1-DEFAULT as permitted sender) smtp.mail=mail@domeniu.tld
....Nu se poate cumva face ca fiecare domeniu sa trimita mail-urile de pe MX/IP-ul dedicat?