Posts by goodone

    you are right! cloudflare is the badass. :P

    My dns are already correct on both server and cloudflare side.

    I had SSL setup on that subdomain self signed. probably that got lost after update and cloudflare wasnt able to make the handshake. I disabled it and its working fine now on port.

    By the way.. can you please tell me the parameter for just to reconfigure the SSL for panel?. ( eg: perl -reconfigure.... )

    You can say " Yes " :P

    First I had stable one, which I has commented out but once I started having this problem again and again so I decided to make an upgrade from that repo. And changed all repo. Sorry :3

    thank you very much :D

    Where have I wrote that you have to remove mariaDB? I think you are using it?!? ?(

    And before you can run the installer, apt-get upgrade must run without errors.

    Sorry, but if you do not do what your are told, we could not help.

    You didn't said me to remove mariadb. I didn't had mysql. I tried those. But I had mariaDB. As I said I was using it. So I decided to remove that instead to see if that imscp error gets away?.

    I only had this version running and no mysql server or client.


    And yes I followed your step except changed mysql with mariadb as there were no package for mysql. Destro packages has been upgraded and there were no error came up.

    But still getting the same above error after removing mariadb server and client.

    By following @Backdraft007 . So far I removed Mardia Db client and server and core.

    I also have changed package Sourcelist but problem still in there..

    I get error:

    I took backup of sql databases before doing so. By following consol level backup by @Cool

    Right now I am missing MySQL (mariadb) server and PHP-fpm. As I had to remove php-fpm because of another error from imscp installer.

    @Nuxwin I am pming you the SSH access.