eine Möglichkeit ist Fail2ban einzusetzen und das ganze einzudämmen
Posts by Akinos
na wenn das alles war bin ich glücklich
mal abwarten bis morgen ob wieder eine Mail kommtdanke dir
gestern haben wir mal einen Server zum Testen der neuen Version von I-MSCP aufgesetzt.
Es ist Debian Jessie mit i-MSCP Git 1.2.x
Leider ist da wohl ein Rechte Problem enthalten.
Könnte mir bitte eine genau sagen welche Ordner und Dateien ich ändern muss?
Code- /etc/cron.daily/logrotate:
- error: skipping "/var/log/aptitude" because parent directory has insecure permissions (It's world writable or writable by group which is not "root") Set "su" directive in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for rotation.
- error: skipping "/var/log/dpkg.log" because parent directory has insecure permissions (It's world writable or writable by group which is not "root") Set "su" directive in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for rotation.
- error: skipping "/var/log/alternatives.log" because parent directory has insecure permissions (It's world writable or writable by group which is not "root") Set "su" directive in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for rotation.
- error: skipping "/var/log/php5-fpm.log" because parent directory has insecure permissions (It's world writable or writable by group which is not "root") Set "su" directive in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for rotation.
- error: skipping "/var/log/syslog" because parent directory has insecure permissions (It's world writable or writable by group which is not "root") Set "su" directive in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for rotation.
- error: skipping "/var/log/mail.info" because parent directory has insecure permissions (It's world writable or writable by group which is not "root") Set "su" directive in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for rotation.
- error: skipping "/var/log/mail.warn" because parent directory has insecure permissions (It's world writable or writable by group which is not "root") Set "su" directive in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for rotation.
- error: skipping "/var/log/mail.err" because parent directory has insecure permissions (It's world writable or writable by group which is not "root") Set "su" directive in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for rotation.
- error: skipping "/var/log/mail.log" because parent directory has insecure permissions (It's world writable or writable by group which is not "root") Set "su" directive in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for rotation.
- error: skipping "/var/log/daemon.log" because parent directory has insecure permissions (It's world writable or writable by group which is not "root") Set "su" directive in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for rotation.
- error: skipping "/var/log/kern.log" because parent directory has insecure permissions (It's world writable or writable by group which is not "root") Set "su" directive in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for rotation.
- error: skipping "/var/log/auth.log" because parent directory has insecure permissions (It's world writable or writable by group which is not "root") Set "su" directive in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for rotation.
- error: skipping "/var/log/user.log" because parent directory has insecure permissions (It's world writable or writable by group which is not "root") Set "su" directive in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for rotation.
- error: skipping "/var/log/lpr.log" because parent directory has insecure permissions (It's world writable or writable by group which is not "root") Set "su" directive in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for rotation.
- error: skipping "/var/log/cron.log" because parent directory has insecure permissions (It's world writable or writable by group which is not "root") Set "su" directive in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for rotation.
- error: skipping "/var/log/debug" because parent directory has insecure permissions (It's world writable or writable by group which is not "root") Set "su" directive in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for rotation.
- error: skipping "/var/log/messages" because parent directory has insecure permissions (It's world writable or writable by group which is not "root") Set "su" directive in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for rotation.
- error: skipping "/var/log/wtmp" because parent directory has insecure permissions (It's world writable or writable by group which is not "root") Set "su" directive in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for rotation.
- error: skipping "/var/log/btmp" because parent directory has insecure permissions (It's world writable or writable by group which is not "root") Set "su" directive in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for rotation.
- run-parts: /etc/cron.daily/logrotate exited with return code 1
dann schau mal in die beiden Dateien in der Struktur /etc/nginx/sites-available weil da sollte eigentlich Nginx laufen
mach mal ein :4443 da hinter
also https admin.fqhn.domain.tld:4443 -
da feht noch der Schritt zu 14.04 LTS 64-Bit Server -
Dualstack wird von imscp mom nicht unterstützt. Ich war schon mal am überlegen nen PR hierfür zu erstellen, muss davor jedoch mit Nuxwin reden, wie er sich die Umsetzung vorstellt..
Vieleicht besteht ja auch die Möglichkeit das Ganze mit höherer Priorität auch etwas Zeitnaher Umzusetzen.
Das wäre schon mal eine schöne Sache zumal einige DSL Anbieter ja auch IPV6 unterstützen oder „nur“ noch IPV6 Liefern. -
danke dir......stehe aber gerade immer noch auf dem Schlauch
scheinbar bin ich blind und sehe das nicht..... -
ich möchte bei einem Server das Greylisting etwas anpassen.
die Zeit vom Greylisting etwas kürzer einstellen ......
Wo genau und in welcher Datei muß ich das ändern....ich finde es gerade nicht....MfG an die Runde
p.s. Debian 6
frohe Ostern an alle...und besten Dank für die Mühe
MfG. Akinos