Posts by DHabbel

    For the records: The cause of the problems are the SQL statements that delete the data in the bayes_tokens and bayes_seen tables of the spamassassin database. I manually edited the plugin code and replaced the SQL commands with those I found in the beta version and left the rest of the plugin untouched. This solved the problem.

    Thanks for your support.

    The manually started request manager ran since friday evening and this morning the plug-in magically showed status "active". But it will probably be a good idea if I look into the tables and remove any orphaned entry. This could indeed be the cause for this strange behavior

    Thanks for your help.

    Sorry, I can't see any icon there:

    Yesterday I started the Request Manager manually and it is stuck too. This is the output:

    Any Idea?

    No, I don't think, that this is a problem of free disk space as you can see here:

    And since the changelog of the (unreleased) Versiopn 2.1.0 of the SpamAssassin Plug-In mentions this as know bug and provides a fix for this case (see screenshot), I think I'm affected of this problem. Does anyone knows, if I could somehow use the Github Version of the Plug-In on Debian 9 without breaking anything? Or is there any other solution?



    I have a problem deleting some mail accounts: When I try to delete one of the affected accounts the panel hangs and I finally get this error report by mail:

    This seems to be a known issue in Version 2.0.1 of the SpamAssassin PlugIn that will be fixed in a future release as mentioned here:

    Is there a workaround to delete these mail accounts or is there a new (beta) Version of the Plug-Insomewhere out there that resolves this issue?

    Thanks in advance



    is it safe to put some custom whitelisting commands in /etc/spamassassin/ or does this file gets regeneratetd automatically by i-MSCP and/or the SpamAssasin Plug-In?

    System: Debian Jessie, i-MSCP 1.3.16, SpamAssassin V1.1.1



    I would like to whitelist some mail addresses in PolicydWeight like described here:

    The problem is that the gets regenerated by i-MSCP so that I need to have a listener file to handle my customisation. Does anyone already have such a listener file and could giv it to me?

    Or are there perhaps any plans to extend this Plug-In to handle whitelisting in the GUI? That would really be great... :rolleyes:

    Thanks for your help