Posts by theemstra

    Tested on Debian Jessie with latest 1.3.x git. The DNS seems good to me.

    DNS Zones


    Conclusion, this feature works as expected on my test run.

    Hello @AlpineSwiss

    The status on this topic says "To be investigated", which means the maintainer of the plugin will look into it when he has time.
    You can also report this in our issue tracker if you wish,

    Please don't ask about status, the maintainer will report here when he has news. If in another month there's no reply, then you can (of course) ask for status.
    People do this voluntary, so don't give them a hard time.


    You did not point the NS of the server to your server, did you?

    1. 86400 IN NS
    2. 86400 IN NS
    3. 3576 IN A
    4. 14400 IN A

    If you don't do this, you have to manually add DNS-records from your host to your server for every subdomain/vhost or add a wildcard or find another solution.

    Please provide more info: Reporting rules - Reminder

    You must give us the following information:

    Quote from nuxwin
    • The i-MSCP server implementation in use for the concerned service (for instance: ITK, Fcgid, PHP-FPM, Proftpd, Vsftpd ...)
    • The exact steps to reproduce the problem

    During the moment that this problem happens, please also send us (here or in pm) the results of:
    netstat -antp | grep postfix
    /etc/init.d/postfix status
    cat /var/log/mail.log

    If you still have the problem. Open new issue with required info.