Posts by TechnikOnkel

    Hello everybody!

    I am running in another problem. I am trying to connect via SMTP to the i-mscp Server but the mails are not processsing.

    The /var/log/mail.log says:

    1. Apr 23 13:52:43 server postfix/smtpd[9482]: warning: hostname does not resolve to address Name or service not known
    2. Apr 23 13:52:43 server postfix/smtpd[9482]: connect from unknown[]
    3. Apr 23 13:52:43 server postfix/smtpd[9482]: warning: unknown[]: SASL NTLM authentication failed: authentication failure
    4. Apr 23 13:52:43 server postfix/smtpd[9482]: disconnect from unknown[]

    haaaa no!
    actually it looks like there went something from!

    But it says
    i-MSCP 1.1.5
    Build: 20140327
    Codename: Eagle

    on the left site

    But i found the error now. I was using a custom template!
    And it seems there changed some files !

    Hello everybody!

    the i-mscp says:

    Please enter an SQL user host.

    when i tyr to create a user for an existing database.
    I cannot find any settings to do this?

    I am using
    i-MSCP 1.1.5
    Build: 20140327
    Codename: Eagle



    i have upgraded from Latest Stable-Release: 1.1.2 to Latest Stable-Release: 1.1.3

    But now i can not reach any of the websites anymore. Its just the login of i-mscp coming on every domain.
    The Domains exists in i-mscp and the htdocs folders and files in /var/www/virtual also.

    What happend??
    How to check and solve it?

    I got a little question!!

    I regionized that i got a lot of "Automatic Reply" Messages around the Christmas days! Some mails got me my original Message in the reply message! Okay it just says "merry Christmas" as text and ":-)" as subject nothing else.

    It was send from a phantasy name, and phantasy mailbox name but with my original Domainname...!

    Now i checked my Postfix configuration on the server and saw this information:

    I am running a daily file based backup of a ubuntu linux vserver.
    On the server is running a i-mscp installation.

    Which directories and folders should be secured in any case. What files and directories can be omitted easily?

    so far I only backup the following files


    Thank you!

    Hello everbody,

    I get this e-mail at midnight.

    The i-mscp backup seems to stop working. However, I used a different database name for my i-mscp system database and not "imscp"

    It seems that a script can not properly deal with this change.


    Thank you for your help! I really appreciate it.

    The MySQL code worked perfectly. Once the database was working again my update from -MSCP 1.1.0-rc3 to i-MSCP 1.1.0-rc4.1 finished in less than 2 minutes.

    I think the rqst-mgr had suspended packages while installing the software.
    Probably some softwares are stuck at the "Installing" and i forgot about it bevor i was updating.