Posts by krok

    most user use IMAP or POP3, but other mail protocol exist and became intrusting.
    i use dovecot (IMAP & POP) and zarafa (Push mail for mobile and Exchange) but my clients don't use same protocols.
    at this time i modify manually /etc/postfix/imscp/transport but I-MSCP reset this file if i upgrade the Panel or create a address email.
    for use this function i do modify postfix config but this is reset after avery upgrade.[hr]

    yes the problem occur on my test server (ISPCP 1.0.7) after an upgrade to last trunk
    the panel is in french by default (i don't change anything) for all user.
    but the default language set in parameters is in Arabic.

    i can change to french it works.[hr]
    my error log after upgrade ISPCP 1.0.7 with last trunk (26 sept 2011 11h30)

    apache don't start automaticaly after setup (but start fine manually)

    most error with bind at the end of the setup see attach file.
    but bind work's[hr]
    and Proftpd does not work :

    in syslog :

    Sep 26 12:06:56 vm3 proftpd[30237]: ([]) - FTP session opened.
    Sep 26 12:06:57 vm3 proftpd[30237]: ([]) - FTP session closed.

    in filezilla client :

    Statut : Connexion à
    Statut : Connexion établie, attente du message d'accueil...
    Réponse : 220 ProFTPD 1.3.3a Server ( []
    Commande : USER
    Réponse : 331 Mot de passe requis pour
    Commande : PASS **********
    Erreur : Impossible d'établir une connexion au serveur

    i have test to change the password user but do anything
    i have test to create new user -> same problem


    • error.txt

      (14.91 kB, downloaded 50 times, last: )

    @krock you database seems in bad shape please execute this queries before update:
    UPDATE `imscp`.`subdomain_alias` SET `subdomain_alias_url_forward` = 'no';
    UPDATE `imscp`.`subdomain` SET `subdomain_url_forward` = 'no';
    UPDATE `imscp`.`domain_aliasses` SET `url_forward` = 'no';

    Thanks sci2tech -> UPDATE `imscp`.`subdomain` SET `subdomain_url_forward` = 'no'; fix the problem of Apache.

    all subdomain create with ISPCP 1.0.5 are this problem -> NULL value

    apache2 works[hr]
    A little bug :

    my language is french (the panel is in french) but in parameters -> other paramteters -> default language is marqued "arabic"

    i upgrade ISPCP 1.0.7 To I-MSCP last trunk, the script upgrade work fine but i have this error log at the end of the setup script (see attached file).

    apache don't work (config file of subdomain are wrong)


    • errorlog.txt

      (474.93 kB, downloaded 38 times, last: )

    Bonjour à tous,

    Je suis actuellement sous ispCP 1.0.7 (Debian squezze) et je testes une migration vers I-MSCP beta 4.

    Après avoir lancé le script de migration et réglé tout les problèmes dans la BDD, j'exécute le setup et j'ai cette erreur :

    1. database update 52 failed ...

    il ne trouve pas la colonne : "software_installtype"

    J'ai vu que dans la section "migration" le même problème a déjà été reporté mais j'ai pas trouvé de solution.

    une idée ?