Posts by DragonZX

    Backup on demand button will only trigger the backup script for customer.
    Disk space for user should be based on customer disk space limit (no space for backup then, no backup). Now, if your user are storing about 40GB, it's your problem. You must fire them about your rules or downgrade their space limit to avoid such thing.

    But it may cause more bugs first of all. It's only a wishlist. I understand what you want, but I disagree with you. First of all we must concentrate on beta testing and fixing existing bugs, not to open new bugs to your own head. It will provide us to release 1.1.0 ASAP.

    Also, for example I said about a problem, that may cause a Critical bug. I have only 2-3 such clients, but some users may have >30 such clients, and they may does't know about it. Don't hurry, we need a review. Also it may cause a server overload.

    Yes, backup on demand is not so hard work, but now it can make more questions, then answers.
    - Client must choose what to restore (GUI changes)
    - Reseller or admin must choose how much disk space it wil need to make for backups (it's better to know how many disk space use only site, for example some of my clienst stored there about 40 GB of data).
    In this case we must rewie the backup engine, don't hurry. I think it must be only in 1.2.0

    Yes, of cause but as for now you may use

    As for your request, we will need to review the backup managemend. It's may be comfortable for you, but not for other admins, so we need to inegrate whole backup-management toolbox to tune up. (ie. at least only for your request - a number of backups, customers for backups, disk space alert, reseller rights for multiple backups etc).

    as every server-admins policy can be totally diff. so it is close to impossible to be handled by i-imscp(at this point(today))

    I'm not quite agree with you (it's not so hard way to make it useful), but it must be a whole conception of backups:
    - Backup GUI interface
    - Backup/Restore by hands
    - FTP backup
    - Multiple backup for whole panel to transport it to another server
    - Ability to download/upload backup from/to the server.

    It's a whole module. We have no resources for that as now.

    Fanating of OpenSource is not so good as for standartisation components? Where did you see a CMS under MariaDB?
    PostgreSQL - maybe, but not exotic databases.

    I'd like to ask, one admin feature. I hope you can make it easy. I would like if i could setup on admin/reseller panel and make multiple daily backups from domains like the multiple i-MSCP config backups.


    Describe it please clearly. You can enable daily backups for all of your clients.

    i appreciate the work, but am I missing something? why would anyone use nginx as a back-end instead of getting rid of apache altogether? an nginx back-end still has the bottleneck of apache at the front. that's like trying to push a dump truck with a porsche. i don't understand the benefit?

    nginx has more specific structure. The frontend+backend gives:
    - nginx will take static tasks, that will optimise CPU load (frontend)
    - apache will take htdocs, mod_rewrite, etc (backend)...
    - As for nginx configuration backend. It has been done so, in case that you will no need to change the apache configuration. iptables is for fixing this issue.

    so, in this case, it will optimise you about 30% of CPU and 40% of RAM, of cause depends on load. Also if apache is going down, our sites will work.
    It's an engine of porche for the dump track, with the full rebuild.

    As a proof first | second| In English

    UPD: Nginx as standalone is fast, but not so powerful engine. It hasn't htdocs support, rewrite support... All of that you will need to write directly to the nginx configuration every time.

    Модуль nginx для i-MSCP

    Переработал модуль от koffu +, пока еще сырье для будущего модуля.
    Установка в файле ./docs/debian/INSTALL

    Проверьте пожалуйста.