Posts by RikuAnsem

    Sorry, I forget the first step.
    I read in other post about chattr, but thanks to repeat it again :)

    Maybe this help to any:

    Connect to MySQL and do the changes:


    mysql -u root -p
    use imscp;
    update subdomain set subdomain_name="delete", subdomain_status="tochange" where subdomain_name="ftp";

    I'm would to create the ticket now, but thanks :) (sorry, I'm stressed).

    It seems that all work correctly, I have to test all....


    Oh yes.
    I was created the subdomain ftp but the panel don't let me delete after tell me the conflict with the name.

    I'm trying to delete/rename the directory "ftp" and I can't, I can't do nothing in the directory (I will try now a few things).

    Thanks a lot.

    EDIT: Where exactly I have to create a ticket?

    And if we try to go to contol panel display this error:

    1. Warning: The Exception Writer `iMSCP_Exception_Writer_Browser` was unable to write the following message: `The gui/data/sessions directory must be writable. - at line: 269 in file: /var/www/imscp/gui/library/iMSCP/Initializer.php` Reason: Data `translator` is not registered. - at line: 100 in file: /var/www/imscp/gui/library/iMSCP/Registry.php in /var/www/imscp/gui/library/iMSCP/Exception/Handler.php on line 320