Posts by fote98

    As @Nuxwin told me I could not use PMA with mysql 5.1.
    Therefore I did an update to mysql 5.5 and ran perl /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/imscp-setup -d. But PMA is still on version 4.0.10. Is there anything else I need to take care of?

    i-MSCP 1.1.17
    debian squeeze 6.0.10
    PHP 5.4.35-1~dotdeb.0
    mysql 5.5.38-1~dotdeb.0

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    Hi all
    Any idea why my phyMyAdmin does not get updated? I'm still on version 4.0.10. Pydio gets updated without any problems.
    I can see that problem since many i-MSCP versions.

    i-MSCP 1.1.17
    debian squeeze 6.0.10
    PHP 5.4.35-1~dotdeb.0
    mysql 5.1.73-1+deb6u1

    Thanks, Andre

    Thanks for your response.

    Any idea how to find out which changes causes that? Some of the domains are administrated by me - just me - and I didn't make any changes like the ones you mentioned.
    Those files get created every 6 minutes on each domain for postfix, apache and bind.

    Hi all
    I'm running i-MSCP 1.1.13 (fcgid) on debian squeeze (6.0.10) and it seems to be all fine.
    Lately I've seen many files under /etc/imscp/*/backup. I'm wondering whether it is normal that there are thousands of files created each day?

    In /etc/imscp/apache/backup I can see two files for each domain every 6 minutes
    In /etc/imscp/bind/backup I can see a changing number of files for each zone every 6 minutes

    It's hard to believe that those files and their creation don't have any impact on the system's performance. Is there a way to reduce that?

    Das ist definitiv richtig. Ich nutze u.a. owncloud und rainloop. Bei beiden erfolgt die Authentifizierung über IMAP. Also über den installierten MTA, die wissen nichts von roundcube Tabellen.

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