Lot of i-MSCP Backup files

  • Hi all
    I'm running i-MSCP 1.1.13 (fcgid) on debian squeeze (6.0.10) and it seems to be all fine.
    Lately I've seen many files under /etc/imscp/*/backup. I'm wondering whether it is normal that there are thousands of files created each day?

    In /etc/imscp/apache/backup I can see two files for each domain every 6 minutes
    In /etc/imscp/bind/backup I can see a changing number of files for each zone every 6 minutes

    It's hard to believe that those files and their creation don't have any impact on the system's performance. Is there a way to reduce that?

    i-MSCP 1.5.3

  • I think the files will be created after someone changes something on his domain (add a subdomain, ssl cert...). So its just a little copy of the old files and shouldn't impact your systems performance.

  • Thanks for your response.

    Any idea how to find out which changes causes that? Some of the domains are administrated by me - just me - and I didn't make any changes like the ones you mentioned.
    Those files get created every 6 minutes on each domain for postfix, apache and bind.

    i-MSCP 1.5.3

  • Just have a look which template files will be created, because that's the answer..