Posts by Speddy

    phpMyAdmin 5.1.0 is released


    We at the phpMyAdmin project are pleased to publish phpMyAdmin 5.1.0.

    There are many new features and bug fixes; a few highlights include:

    • Improve virtuality dropdown for MariaDB > 10.1
    • Added an option to perform ALTER ONLINE (ALGORITHM=INPLACE) when editing a table structure
    • Added ip2long transformation
    • Improvements to linking to MySQL and MariaDB documentation
    • Add "Preview SQL" option on Index dialog box when creating a new table
    • Add a new vendor constant "CACHE_DIR" that defaults to "libraries/cache/" and store routing cache into this folder
    • Add $cfg['CaptchaSiteVerifyURL'] for Google ReCaptcha siteVerifyUrl
    • Add the password_hash PHP function as an option when inserting data
    • Improvements to editing and displaying columns of the JSON data type.
    • Added support for "SameSite=Strict" on cookies using configuration "$cfg['CookieSameSite']"
    • Fixed AWS RDS IAM authentication doesn't work because pma_password is truncated
    • Add config parameters to support third-party ReCaptcha v2 compatible APIs like hCaptcha
    • Add $cfg['MysqlSslWarningSafeHosts'] to set the red text black when ssl is not used on a private network
    • Export blobs as hex on JSON export
    • Fix leading space not shown in a CHAR column when browsing a table
    • Added a rename Button to use RENAME INDEX syntax of MySQL 5.7 (and MariaDB >= 10.5.2)
    • Fixed missing option to enter TABLE specific permissions when the database name contains an "_" (underscore)
    • Fixed a PHP notice "Trying to access array offset on value of type null" on Designer PDF export
    • Fix for several PHP 8 warnings or errors, giving this release full compatibility with PHP 8

    There are, of course, many more fixes you can see in the ChangeLog file included with this release or online at…ndex.php?route=/changelog

    Downloads are available now at

    Isaac and the phpMyAdmin team

    phpMyAdmin 5.1.0-rc2

    Released 2021-02-10.

    Security update 1.4.11

    08 February 2021

    We just published a service and security update to the stable version 1.4 of Roundcube Webmail. It provides a fix for a recently reported stored XSS vulnerability as well a some general improvements from our issue tracker.

    Security fix

    • Fix cross-site scripting (XSS) via HTML messages with malicious CSS content

    Credits for this finding go to Mateusz Szymaniec (CERT Polska).

    See the full changelog in the release notes on the Github download page.

    This release is considered stable and we recommend to update all productive installations of Roundcube with this version. Download it from

    Please do backup your data before updating!

    PHP 8.0.2 Released!

    The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 8.0.2. This is a bug fix release.

    All PHP 8.0 users are encouraged to upgrade to this version.

    For source downloads of PHP 8.0.2 please visit our downloads page, Windows source and binaries can be found on The list of changes is recorded in the ChangeLog.

    04 Feb 2021

    PHP 7.4.15 Released!

    The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 7.4.15. This is a security release.

    All PHP 7.4 users are encouraged to upgrade to this version.

    For source downloads of PHP 7.4.15 please visit our downloads page, Windows source and binaries can be found on The list of changes is recorded in the ChangeLog.

    04 Feb 2021

    PHP 7.3.27 Released!

    The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 7.3.27. This is a security release.

    All PHP 7.3 users are encouraged to upgrade to this version.

    For source downloads of PHP 7.3.27 please visit our downloads page, Windows source and binaries can be found on The list of changes is recorded in the ChangeLog.

    Es ist eine neu install und keine backup von ein vorheriegen server.

    ich habe aber ne mil bekommen und zwar folgende.

    Ich muste Leider mein server neu Machen da ovh behauptet hatte das mein server ddos angriffe gfemacht haben soll und deswegen wurde der Server in ein Spezial modus geschaltet und es bleibt nur noch der Neu install möglich.

    Ich weis das es damals behoben wurde ist aber ich weis nicht was der Nuxwin damals bei mir am server eingestehlt hatte.

    Bei der installation kommt folgende abruch meldung zum Vorschein.

    Meine server Daten sind folgende.

    Description: Debian GNU/Linux 9.13 (stretch)

    ist alles aktuel ich hoffe es gibt jemanden der noch weis was mann da machen muss.

    PHP 7.3.26 Released!

    The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 7.3.26. This is a security release.

    All PHP 7.3 users are encouraged to upgrade to this version.

    For source downloads of PHP 7.3.26 please visit our downloads page, Windows source and binaries can be found on The list of changes is recorded in the ChangeLog.

    07 Jan 2021

    PHP 7.4.14 Released!

    The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 7.4.14. This is a security release.

    All PHP 7.4 users are encouraged to upgrade to this version.

    For source downloads of PHP 7.4.14 please visit our downloads page, Windows source and binaries can be found on The list of changes is recorded in the ChangeLog.
