Posts by MasterTH


    we tried to update our imscp (i-MSCP Git Master Build: 20131022) to the latest branch-version and got these issues:

    1. main::_process: Missing right curly or square bracket at
    2. /var/www/imscp/engine/PerlLib/Modules/ line 519, at end of line
    3. syntax error at /var/www/imscp/engine/PerlLib/Modules/ line 519, at
    4. EOF
    5. Compilation failed in require at (eval 27) line 2, <$fh> line 518.

    there is nothing special at the subaliasses. in the error_log that is displayed, is the same message.
    if i can provide more informations to help fixing this issue, please just ask.

    and there is another issue, the NameVirtualHost is not set in 00_nameserver.cfg.

    thanks for developing that nice piece of software!!!

    We are using Debian 7 and apache-fcgid

    Hi there,

    is it possible to define a customlog-format for the apache logger?? I know imscp uses an own logger-script and in the code or config i can't find a place to define it, so i hope you can help me.

    i'de like to change the default log-format of one of our servers to display the X-Forwarded-For entry instead of the host-ip. We've got a WAF infront of that server.

    Is there a possibility without opening a completly new log-file?

    Kind regards


    i've updated the distro yesterday and tested a lot, upgrading to the latestet version of imscp and a lot of other things, but still remaining. When calling the imscp-webinterface:

    1. dispatch(iMSCP_Events::onLoginScriptStart); $action = isset($_REQUEST['action']) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : 'default'; $auth = iMSCP_Authentication::getInstance(); init_login($auth->getEvents()); switch ($action) { case 'logout': if ($auth->hasIdentity()) { $adminName = $auth->getIdentity()->admin_name; $auth->unsetIdentity(); set_page_message(tr('You have been successfully logged out.'), 'success'); write_log(sprintf("%s logged out", idn_to_utf8($adminName)), E_USER_NOTICE); } break; case 'login': // Authentication process is triggered whatever the status of the following variables since authentication // is pluggable and plugins can provide their own authentication logic without using these variables. if (!empty($_REQUEST['uname'])) $auth->setUsername(clean_input($_REQUEST['uname'])); if (!empty($_REQUEST['upass'])) $auth->setPassword(clean_input($_REQUEST['upass'])); $result = $auth->authenticate(); if ($result->isValid()) { // Authentication process succeeded write_log(sprintf("%s logged in", $result->getIdentity()->admin_name), E_USER_NOTICE); } elseif (($messages = $result->getMessages())) { // Authentication process failed $messages = format_message($messages); set_page_message($messages, 'error'); write_log(sprintf("Authentication failed. Reason: %s", $messages), E_USER_NOTICE); } } # Redirect user to its interface level if($action != 'logout') redirectToUiLevel(); $tpl = new iMSCP_pTemplate(); $tpl->define_dynamic( array( 'layout' => 'shared/layouts/simple.tpl', 'page_message' => 'layout', 'lostpwd_button' => 'page' ) ); $tpl->assign( array( 'productLongName' => tr('internet Multi Server Control Panel'), 'productLink' => '', 'productCopyright' => tr('© 2010-2013 i-MSCP Team
    2. All Rights Reserved'), 'THEME_CHARSET' => tr('encoding') ) ); /** @var $cfg iMSCP_Config_Handler_File */ $cfg = iMSCP_Registry::get('config'); if ($cfg->MAINTENANCEMODE && !isset($_REQUEST['admin'])) { $tpl->define_dynamic('page', 'box.tpl'); $tpl->assign( array( 'TR_PAGE_TITLE' => tr('i-MSCP - Multi Server Control Panel / Maintenance'), 'CONTEXT_CLASS' => 'box_message', 'BOX_MESSAGE_TITLE' => tr('System under maintenance'), 'BOX_MESSAGE' => nl2br(tohtml($cfg->MAINTENANCEMODE_MESSAGE)), 'TR_BACK' => tr('Administrator login'), 'BACK_BUTTON_DESTINATION' => '/index.php?admin=1' ) ); } else { $tpl->define_dynamic( array( 'page' => 'index.tpl', 'lost_password_support' => 'page', 'ssl_support' => 'page' ) ); $tpl->assign( array( 'TR_PAGE_TITLE' => tr('i-MSCP - Multi Server Control Panel / Login'), 'CONTEXT_CLASS' => 'login', 'TR_LOGIN' => tr('Login'), 'TR_USERNAME' => tr('Username'), 'UNAME' => isset($_REQUEST['uname']) ? stripslashes($_REQUEST['uname']) : '', 'TR_PASSWORD' => tr('Password'), 'TR_PHPMYADMIN' => tr('phpMyAdmin'), 'TR_LOGIN_INTO_PMA' => tr('Login into phpMyAdmin'), 'TR_FILEMANAGER' => tr('FileManager'), 'TR_LOGIN_INTO_WEBMAIL' => tr('Login into the webmail'), 'TR_WEBMAIL' => tr('Webmail'), 'TR_WEBMAIL_LINK' => '/webmail', 'TR_LOGIN_INTO_FMANAGER' => tr('Login into the filemanager'), 'TR_FTP_LINK' => '/ftp', 'TR_PMA_LINK' => '/pma' ) ); if ($cfg->exists('SSL_ENABLED') && $cfg->SSL_ENABLED == 'yes') { $tpl->assign( array( 'SSL_LINK' => isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'http://' . htmlentities($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) : 'https://' . htmlentities($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']), 'SSL_IMAGE_CLASS' => isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'i_unlock' : 'i_lock', 'TR_SSL' => !isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? tr('Secure connection') : tr('Normal connection'), 'TR_SSL_DESCRIPTION' => !isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? tr('Use secure connection (SSL)') : tr('Use normal connection (No SSL)') ) ); } else { $tpl->assign('SSL_SUPPORT', ''); } if ($cfg->LOSTPASSWORD) { $tpl->assign('TR_LOSTPW', tr('Lost password')); } else { $tpl->assign('LOST_PASSWORD_SUPPORT', ''); } } generatePageMessage($tpl); $tpl->parse('LAYOUT_CONTENT', 'page'); iMSCP_Events_Manager::getInstance()->dispatch(iMSCP_Events::onLoginScriptEnd, array('templateEngine' => $tpl)); $tpl->prnt();

    whats this?
    Anybody knows about that issue?

    Kind regards

    big thanks to nuxwin, who has spent time on this issue and found the problem

    it was an orphaned entry in the admin.table

    i'll try to discover what has happened to produce this orphaned entry. if i find out, i'll report back.

    Hi there,

    we've got a problem with a fresh installation of i-mscp.
    I can login with the admin-account, but if i change into a reseller that has created a domain or assigned this message appears:

    i've already tried to create a new reseller and assign one domain to it, with the same result.

    Any suggestions?



    it would be nice if you can choose mod-ssl oder gnutls on installation.
    It isn't really hard to change the config.

    If some more informations are needed, just ask me for that.

    Kind Regards