Posts by check

    never mind found it

    took me some time but thnx anyway

    Operating System: Linux

    Software: Apache

    MySQL version: Debian 9.8 v5.6.42-84.2

    PHP Version: 7.1.31-1+0~20190807.22+debian9~1.gbpf402ed

    PHP Max Input Vars: 4000

    PHP Max Post Size: 490M

    GD Installed: Yes

    ZIP Installed: Yes

    Write Permissions: All right

    so i guess there is no simple solution for increasing the max_vars to 4000 ?

    like edit a file or something and restart/reboot

    the whole web is talking about user.ini, php.ini and/or htaccess

    so that kind a is misleading then ?

    Please think a bit more.... Here you're talking about the php.ini file of the CLI SAPI which isn't FPM SAPI... You need to change the one for the FPM SAPI (assuming that you're using FPM to run your sites...).... And anyway, if you do so, you should edit the pool configuration file, not the php.ini file ;)

    thnx man i knew i was doing something wrong so i need to search for the pool file?

    and what do i need to put into it ?

    i just want to get the vars valeu up and working on that for 2 days now

    php --ini | grep "Loaded Configuration File"

    Loaded Configuration File: /etc/php/7.1/cli/php.ini

    so i guess i have to edit that file and then use

    service php7.1 restart

    is that correct ?

    here is what i did

    edit that file with this

    ; How many GET/POST/COOKIE input variables may be accepted

    max_input_vars = 4000

    then command

    /etc/init.d/php7.1-fpm restart

    looked at my site and its still vars on 1000 :blush:

    my question is where is the right PHP.Ini that i need to edit

    for plugins and website stuff i need to change the PHP Max Input Vars to 4000

    i have been searching but could not find the answer

    also did edit as much php.ini i could find but it did not work

    restarted apache and restarted I-Mscp did not work

    i-MSCP 1.5.3

    Build: 2018120800

    Codename: Ennio Morricone

    Operating System: Linux
    Software: Apache
    MySQL version: Debian 9.8 v5.6.42-84.2
    PHP Version: 7.1.31-1+0~20190807.22+debian9~1.gbpf402ed
    PHP Max Input Vars: 1000
    PHP Max Post Size: 490M
    GD Installed: Yes
    ZIP Installed: Yes
    Write Permissions: All right

    well yeah my writing is bad not my language

    but hey its reading aswell i think

    i clearly stated :

    "dont know if thats a develope version either just got it from here clicked on your link and downloaded it

    then i followed the install instructions in the docs/debian and then i choose auto install

    after that i get to choose what php version i want i choose 7.2"

    i mean i didn't create this pannel and dont get me wrong i like it and i am thankfull for it. But you could also say:

    you can not choose 7.2 only 7.1is in the automated installer

    and ok no info about php switcher logical i downloaded the latest version.

    anyway when i have the time i will completely reinstall everything again just to be shure i dont get any errors in the install of debain and I-mscp

    That seems to be the right one. But that version doesnt support php 7.2.^^

    Did you download it from the official links?

    well like i say before i just followed the install instructions in the docs/debian

    then i choose auto install

    then when you get to the point of choosing the php version i choose the highest php version

    Copyright (c) 1997-2018 The PHP Group

    Zend Engine v3.1.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2018 Zend Technologies

    with Zend OPcache v7.1.31-1+0~20190807.22+debian9~1.gbpf402ed, Copyright (c) 1999-2018, by Zend Technologies

    sorry my mistake it should be this one 7.1.31

    So, the question here is: Which i-MSCP version did you installed exactly? In the latest released i-MSCP version, PHP 7.2 isn't supported... So it seem you installed the development version of i-MSCP...

    i-MSCP 1.5.3
    Build: 2018120800
    Codename: Ennio Morricone

    dont know if thats a develope version either just got it from here clicked on your link and downloaded it

    then i followed the install instructions in the docs/debian and then i choose auto install

    after that i get to choose what php version i want i choose 7.2

    once it was completed i added the plugins

    after that i noticed the mail did not work and the ssl did not work and the user add was not completed

    anyway did i choose the wrong version I-Mscp ?

    ok so in order to use php Switcher i can not choose the php7.2 when i am installing the imcp correct ?

    i thought i just install 7.2 and then use the phpswitcher for lower versions

    but anyway its the test server i never do stuff like this on my running server

    by the way mail did not work either

    now that i pressed turn off php switcher mails work also