Posts by Pupp3tm4st3r

    Hi everyone,

    I just installed a new test server with i-mscp. After a successfull setup, I created a reseller and users. For spam detection I installed the spamassassin plugin [no errors since then] but it doesn´t seem to work. For testing I have sent a test message from one mail user to another [same domain, both on new i-mscp server] with the GTUBE content, but it wasn´t recognized as spam :/

    Logs don´t show any failure, except that theres nothing about spamassassin [for instance a check procedure or something like that], the only lines concerning spamassassin are the following


    Apr 24 08:38:37 mail spamass-milter[28292]: spamass-milter 0.3.2 starting
    Apr 24 08:40:08 mail spamd[2731]: logger: removing stderr method
    Apr 24 08:40:12 mail spamd[2733]: spamd: server started on port 783/tcp (running version 3.3.2)
    Apr 24 08:40:12 mail spamd[2733]: spamd: server pid: 2733
    Apr 24 08:40:12 mail spamd[2733]: spamd: server successfully spawned child process, pid 2736
    Apr 24 08:40:12 mail spamd[2733]: spamd: server successfully spawned child process, pid 2742
    Apr 24 08:40:12 mail spamd[2733]: prefork: child states: IS
    Apr 24 08:40:12 mail spamd[2733]: prefork: child states: II
    Apr 24 08:40:17 mail spamass-milter[2757]: spamass-milter 0.3.2 starting

    But no spam detection -.-

    i-mscp Version 1.2.1 [on another test machine with 1.2.2 same error], all other packages latest version from standard debian repository.

    Any further hints?

    Thanks in advance, best regards

    Gotta pull this out again.

    I have exactly the same issue, i-mscp 1.2.2: users have to login to webmail first to get their spam rule. Now I´ve made the changes sport80 mentioned but dovecot [the user vmail] seems to have no access.

    1. Mar 5 10:46:10 mail dovecot: lda( Error: sieve: failed to stat sieve script: stat(/var/lib/dovecot/sieve/default.sieve) failed: Permission denied (euid=999(vmail) egid=8(mail) missing +x perm: /var/lib/dovecot, we're not in group 0(root), dir owned by 0:0 mode=0750)

    Yeah sure, have to change the permissions, but the

    1. chown -R vmail:mail /var/lib/dovecot/sieve

    didn´t help -.- Dovecot says that it is not in the right group, is it enough to change the mode from 0750 to 0777? I think this would be to...dangerous.

    Thanks in advance.

    Edit: Mhm, just tried 0777 for the sieve directory, still not working. So the issue must be within the permissions for the dovecot directory. Now it is "drwxr-x--- " so I have to change it to "drwxr-x-x"?

    Just changed it, works now. But I have some doubts, that this is okay that way, regarding the security...

    Danke für die schnelle Antwort. Kann man das auch per Hand machen? [Da die dort sonst nicht weiter arbeiten können :/ ]

    Beste Grüße

    Thanks for your fast reply. Is it possible to make that manually? Maybe just for one host, because they need it till tuesday next week :/

    Sorry for any inconveniences.

    Best regards


    im Auftrag eines Freundes habe ich für Ihn/für die Firma einen Webserver einrichten sollen. Da ich die konkreten Anforderungen nicht wusste, habe ich dann einfach, aufgrund der guten Erfahrung als Nutzer, imscp installiert.

    Nun ist folgendes: Die Jungs wollen in einen Host/eine Domain per SSH etwas von GIT aus pushen. Nun haben sie das Problem, dass sie nicht ohne weiteres per SSH an den Ordner kommen, dann müssen ja auch noch die Berechtigungen stimmen.

    Daher meine Frage: Kann man so einem virtuellen Benutzer einen Nutzer zuweisen bzw. diesem Zugang per SSH gewähren? [Der Webserver steht inhouse und soll wohl nur für Entwicklungszwecke genutzt werden].

    Danke und Grüße