Posts by crafter


    I hate losing my time ;) Why do you try to install an older release

    Oh my word Nuxwin . I feel like such an idiot.

    I actually doubly checked that I was running the latest version. I don't know how I missed that so many times. I must have copied that link from another post.

    Please accept my unreserved apology for wasting your valuable time. Thank you for your patience and composure. I'm going to have to find a way to make up.

    Thanks Nuxwin

    The problem persist even in automatic mode.

    With automatic mode the default ftp client is net2ftp (as opposed to manual, where it is monsta-ftp, which does not matter to me really.

    In both cases the /var/local/imscp/packages directory is empty.

    I ran this both as root user and a normal privileged user - same issue.

    I tried to trace and it seems like the composer.json fiel is not being written to /var/local/imscp/packages. If I run the command shown from the comand line, I get

    1. su --login imscp --shell /bin/sh -c "php -d date.timezone=Africa/Johannesburg -d allow_url_fopen=1 /var/local/imscp/composer.phar show --no-ansi --no-interaction --working-dir=/var/local/imscp/packages imscp/monsta-ftp 2.1.x"
    2. Composer could not find a composer.json file in /var/local/imscp/packages
    3. To initialize a project, please create a composer.json file as described in the "Getting Started" section

    The log files show

    Thanks Nuxwin

    I restarted the installation as per your instruction. This ran without issue but once again prompted me to run the second part of my listing above. I have attached a screenshot to show that.

    I have added below an extract from the file imscp-setup.log.

    From what I see the issue seems to be here


    Wed Feb 13 10:46:13 2019] [debug] iMSCP::Execute::executeNoWait: su --login imscp --shell /bin/sh -c 'php -d date.timezone=Africa/Johannesburg -d allow_url_fopen=1 /var/local/imscp/composer.phar show --no-ansi --no-interaction --working-dir=/var/local/imscp/packages imscp/monsta-ftp 2.1.x'

    The file /var/local/imscp/composer.phar does exist is is a valid php file.

    However, the directory "/var/local/imscp/packages imscp/monsta-ftp 2.1.x" does not exist.

    There exists a directory "/var/local/imscp/packages/" which is currebtly empty.

    But the directory "/var/local/imscp/packages imscp" does not exist.

    Extra lines from the log are below


    Wed Feb 13 10:46:13 2019] [debug] iMSCP::Execute::execute: su --login imscp --shell /bin/sh -c 'php -d date.timezone=Africa/Johannesburg -d allow_url_fopen=1 /var/local/imscp/composer.phar --version' [Wed Feb 13 10:46:13 2019] [debug] iMSCP::Composer::_checkComposerVersion: Composer version 1.8.0 2018-12-03 10:31:16 [Wed Feb 13 10:46:13 2019] [debug] iMSCP::Execute::executeNoWait: su --login imscp --shell /bin/sh -c 'php -d date.timezone=Africa/Johannesburg -d allow_url_fopen=1 /var/local/imscp/composer.phar show --no-ansi --no-interaction --working-dir=/var/local/imscp/packages imscp/monsta-ftp 2.1.x' [Wed Feb 13 10:46:13 2019] [error] iMSCP::Composer::_checkRequirements: Package imscp/monsta-ftp (2.1.x) not found. Please retry without the '-a' option. [Wed Feb 13 10:46:13 2019] [debug] iMSCP::Execute::execute: /usr/bin/dialog --no-shadow --ok-label Ok --backtitle 'i-MSCP - internet Multi Server Control Panel (1.5.3)' --exit-label Abort --colors --cancel-label Back --title 'i-MSCP Reconfiguration Dialog' --no-label No --yes-label Yes --help-label Help --msgbox '\Z1[ERROR]\Zn
    Error while performing step:
    Checking composer package requirements
    Error was:
    \Z1iMSCP::Composer::_checkRequirements: Package imscp/monsta-ftp (2.1.x) not found. Please retry without the '\''-a'\'' option.\Zn
    Please have a look at if you need help. ' 51 204 [Wed Feb 13 10:46:30 2019] [debug] iMSCP::Execute::execute: /usr/bin/dialog --no-shadow --ok-label Ok --backtitle 'i-MSCP - internet Multi Server Control Panel (1.5.3)' --exit-label Abort --colors --cancel-label Back --title 'i-MSCP Reconfiguration Dialog' --no-label No --yes-label Yes --help-label Help --msgbox '\Z1[ERROR]\Zn

    Thanks for the quick response Nuxwin.

    The installation was a standard installation as suggested :

    Running as root user.

    1. $ perl imscp-autoinstall -d
    2. # ...and thereafter, as per the installation instructions ...
    3. $ perl /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/imscp-reconfigure -d

    Up to this point the installation went kind of smoothly, except an initail fail for a dependency, which I installed by

    1. apt-get install gnupg2

    I want to move my installation to a new server.

    However, on the new server I do not want to run bind locally, and will instead use the DNS services of my ISP.

    1. Is there anything I must do/not do when moving my data across to the new server
    2. On the new server, when installing i-mscp, how do I configure it to not install and use local bind.

    NOTE : One of the reasons I do not want to use the local bind is the issues I have had with some key clients that uses my server for their web hosting, but used another service provider for their emails.

    Request manager is not running on my server. I would appreciate help in tracking down the error.

    After setting debug, I get

    1. $ ./imscp-rqst-mngr (in cleanup) Can't call method "store" on an undefined value at /var/www/imscp/engine/PerlLib/iMSCP/ line 211 during global destruction.
    2. $ perl -v
    3. This is perl 5, version 22, subversion 1 (v5.22.1) built for i686-linux-gnu-thread-multi-64int
    4. (with 58 registered patches, see perl -V for more detail)

    Any updates via the control panel result in a hanging message " progress", and I (root) receives an email :
    Dear administ

    My server details are as follows :
    - Ubuntu 16.04
    - Version : 1.3.7

    After an upgrade to Ubuntu 16.04 a number of sites stopped working due to incompatibility with PHP 7. After a number of attempts to install both PHP 5.6 and PHP 7.0 I succeeded.

    By default, sites are running PHP 7.0. In order to switch specific domains back to 5.6, I added the following line in the file

    1. AddHandler application/x-httpd-php56 .php

    The way I understand, this file will be overwritten the next time the configuration files are rebuilt.

    How do I make changes to the domain so that they will survive being rebuilt.

    Sorry, but I cannot help you with the limited amount of information you supplied.

    If you really want someone to assist, try and make it easier for them for providing as much information as possible.

    I started putting together some information for the user manual.

    So far, I have updated the user manual page and added a broad outline of topic than can be covered. Over time, I will add information as I can. Refer :

    I am unaware of any other initiatives to update user documentation, but would like to see at least the WIKI, a distributable (downloadable) manual, and possibly on-line help.

    Please let me know what your thoughts are on this.