Posts by Lars

    My apologies for bringing this thread back up, but I am having similar problems:

    1. Jul 18 03:23:50 ginger postfix/policyd-weight[30287]: child: spawned
    2. Jul 18 03:23:50 ginger postfix/policyd-weight[30287]: warning: child: could not open RBL Lookup Socket to config: IO::Socket::INET: Bad hostname 'config' Invalid argument
    3. Jul 18 03:23:50 ginger postfix/policyd-weight[30287]: warning: child: err: can't resolve "config" to address at /usr/lib/perl5/Net/DNS/Resolver/ line 755, <GEN155> line 26.#012
    4. Jul 18 03:23:50 ginger postfix/policyd-weight[26839]: master: child 30287 exited

    Adding warn_if_reject to makes my server accept mails again, but just as bluecafe I would like to find the actual problem here. I have done a fair bit of internet search, but most similar errors are because of wrong ports being used or deamons not listening. This looks different, but I don't know where to start checking regarding this error, especially since I have no idea why policyd-weight thinks "config" could be a hostname to connect to. Any idea where I should start looking?

    Edit: For me the problems started after I run a regular update, including policyd-weight:all => and did not go away even after I updated to i-mscp 1.1.12 (but of course I still don't know whether the problem is related to the policyd-weight update or something else).

    I am using 1.1.3, but running the above option brings me directly to "Select bind mode" - no way to decided between internal and external server. How do I get to that prompt in order to disable and uninstall all local dns servers?

    Solution to this problem:
    This does not work:

    1. root@ginger:/var/www/imscp/engine/setup# ./imscp-setup -dar named

    This does work:

    1. root@ginger:/usr/local/src/imscp-1.1.3# perl imscp-autoinstall -dar named

    I mixed the two up - or rather, wasn't aware that were was a different script, the autoinstall one, in a different place. They seemed similar to me and offered similar options, but really, they are different. Problem solved!

    To use an external Mailserver you must allow your customer to set a external Mailserver, after that you will find that in the Panel.

    Thank you for your reply, Andy - however, this is about nameserver, not mailserver and I believe uninstalling the nameserver is not something that would be available in the webinterface.

    1. # perl imscp-autoinstall -dar named

    and choose the 'external server' option.

    This new option is in the stable branch and will be part of next release 1.1.3

    I am using 1.1.3, but running the above option brings me directly to "Select bind mode" - no way to decided between internal and external server. How do I get to that prompt in order to disable and uninstall all local dns servers?

    I would like to disable the dns server completely - is there a way to use the imscp-setup for it? I don't need the dns at all, neither for imscp domains nor for any other reasons, it's fine if it's completely uninstalled. Any suggestions?

    1. root@ginger:/etc/imscp# grep "bind" imscp.conf
    2. NAMED_SERVER = bind

    Update: See this thread for the new feature added in 1.1.3 - use of external nameservers in stable

    I would like to manually migrate passwords from my ispCP installation by adjusting them in the imscp database.

    I am looking for information on how to use the old format hashes like 1bd8c25a172c____________________ (I truncated the last 20 characters) in i-mscp. Is there a way or will I need to reset those passwords?

    Also, I will have to migrate ftp users. The old format looks like $1$WKTe/`4b$l/____________________ (again, I truncated the last 20 characters). Can I use those in i-mscp or will I have to reset them? Also, how do I make the deamon update the ftp users after I have changed the password in the database?

    Thank you,

    I have set up /var/www and /var/mail to be symlinks pointing to /home/www and /home/mail in order to bypass some space constraints.
    The i-mscp Update from rc4.6 to rc4.7 failed because it would get stuck on those symlinks. My apologies for not having copied the error message at that time.

    After I removed the symlinks and temporarily turned both paths into folders, the update went through fine.
    I have then manually restored the symlinks and copied the newly created files into the now restored old folders.

    Is there a reason for this behaviour or would you be able to support such use of symlinks in your updater?

    Thank you,