Update stops upon certain symlinks

  • I have set up /var/www and /var/mail to be symlinks pointing to /home/www and /home/mail in order to bypass some space constraints.
    The i-mscp Update from rc4.6 to rc4.7 failed because it would get stuck on those symlinks. My apologies for not having copied the error message at that time.

    After I removed the symlinks and temporarily turned both paths into folders, the update went through fine.
    I have then manually restored the symlinks and copied the newly created files into the now restored old folders.

    Is there a reason for this behaviour or would you be able to support such use of symlinks in your updater?

    Thank you,

  • I know my response does not answer your question, but why do not use mount point instead of symlinks ?

    example : mount --bind /media/répertoire-à-lier /home/user/répertoire-lié

    Debian 6 with proxmox 2 - OpenVZ - KVM
    I-mscp migrate from ispcp 1.0.7
    dovecot + zarafa + z-push + maia mail guard + apacheITK

  • Thanks for that suggestion, krok, I have switched to mounting those folders for now and we'll see how things go with the next upgrade. I'll mark this as solved for now.