Posts by tracer

    Thx for the reply, but:

    I have no bin dir below LetsEncrypt and cerbot is below /opt/eff

    And Plugin-version is 2.0.5?!?

    Installation of the current one is not possible, it throws an error "contact your admin".

    I'll try to debootstrap the machine back to Stretch tomorrow.

    Edith says:

    I just got an eMail:

    Same problem here.

    Has nobody a clue?

    Edit: Seems like a solution:

    I downloaded latest stable i-MSCP (1.5.3-2018120800.tar.gz) and tried performing

    1. perl imscp-autoinstall -d

    Setup stalled with moaning about libss-dev, which gets pinned by the installer.

    I modified /etc/apt/preferences.d/imscp to contain this part:

    1. Package: openssl libssl1.1 libssl-dev
    2. Pin: release o=Debian,n=stretch
    3. Pin-Priority: 1002

    After that, the installer was working (but removed my modification of the apt pinning). Magic? :-)

    I don't care, all sites are online again.

    But PHP switcher ist a bit broken:


    But I don't care for the moment, merry Xmas ^^

    Warum einige Leute nicht die Suchfunktion nutzen wollen: Migrating i-MSCP from Ubuntu to Debian - pitfalls? . :/8o

    Funktioniert sehr gut die Anleitung, auch für "gleich" auf "gleich" Wechsel.

    Sorry, auch wenn es OT ist. Ich kann es Dir beantworten:

    Weil man bei der Suche, hier, aber auch auf Google, viele, viele Treffer findet, und dann erst beim Ausprobieren feststellt, dass die völlig veraltet sind.

    Vorgestern hatte ich mal wieder den Kanal voll, weil weder mit ASCII noch mit Buster irgendwas brauchbares zu machen ist, dann Seiten über andere Panels gelesen, ISPConfig ausprobiert, 2 Tage, 4 Installierte VM, und unterm Strich war alles nur Grütze, obwohl die Option auf Multi-Server und redundante Server verlockend war.

    Die Optionen von i-MSCP sind auf dem Papier im Vergleich zu ISPConfig nicht so vielfältig, aber was bringt es, wenn es nicht funktioniert?

    Das Setup ist eine Zumutung (…nd-dovecot-ispconfig-3-1/), das macht der Installer von i-MSCP alles en passant.

    Bin reumütig zurück zum i-MSCP, bootstrappe gerade ein Stretch in eine VM und schaue dann, ob ich ein redundantes Setup anhand der Anleitungen für ISPConfig auch irgendwie für i-MSCP umgesetzt bekomme.


    I'm on Buster (10.2) with i-MSCP Git 1.5.x, when I reinstalled i-MSCP last week everything went well after I removed the "leftover" /etc/devuan_version.

    Now I need a new cert for changed domain name, but letsencrypt seems to insist to call python2.

    I already changed the alternatives, on shel I get:

    1. ╭─root@imscp ~
    2. ╰─➤ python --version
    3. Python 3.7.3

    But when activation the domain, this is in the status field:


    DEPRECATION: Python 2.7 will reach the end of its life on January 1st, 2020. Please upgrade your Python as Python 2.7 won't be maintained after that date. A future version of pip will drop support for Python 2.7. More details about Python 2 support in pip, can be found at…process/#python-2-support

    Is there any known way to fix this issue?

    OK, found the solution myself while glimsping through the code.

    I've done a cross-upgrade from Devuan so there was a leftover: /etc/devuan_version, I just removed it, now the installer is working.

    However, I had to remove courier-imap-ssl and courier-pop-ssl from the packages file as it has been merged with the non ssl versions.


    I stupidly updated one of my servers to buster, forgetting to check beforehand if Buster is actually supported,

    Glimpsing through the forum I found threads, now have a version that is supposed to support buster.

    Installation stops because it can't detect the os, autoinstaller/Packages/debian-buster exists, but the script is looking for debian-n/a.xml, which of course doesn't exit.

    The setup is currently housed (i-MSCP broken), but the website is functional (only one domain with a forum with more than 1 million posts), so it is no urgent problem, but maybe the fix is easy?

    System info:

    Error is thrown in the

    1. [DEBUG] autoinstaller::Functions::loadConfig: Merging old configuration with new configuration...
    2. [DEBUG] iMSCP::EventManager::_init: Loading /etc/imscp/listeners.d/ listener file
    3. [FATAL] Carp::croak: File does not exist: /usr/local/src/imscp/autoinstaller/Packages/debian-n/a.xml at /usr/local/src/imscp/autoinstaller/Adapter/ line 932.

    A system upgrade should only happen if you use dist-upgrade.

    That's not true. If you made the error to put "stable" in sources.list and not the name of the distro, an upgrade fetches the new packages.

    dist-upgrade just takes more care about dependencies.