Hello everyone, I do not know if it is a bug or just an isolated error, but when I want to enter the ticket system from the reseller section, it returns to the index.
I attach an error capture
Thanks for the time and your attention.
Hello everyone, I do not know if it is a bug or just an isolated error, but when I want to enter the ticket system from the reseller section, it returns to the index.
I attach an error capture
Thanks for the time and your attention.
This is well understood, that's why I consulted, thank you for your time
Thanks for the answer, I understand that from the .htaccess you can add the option, but I think it would be better than this within the webtools tab
Thank you
Pd: sorry for my bad english
Is it possible to enable the option so that the client can enable the browsing of files or the indexes from the configuration of web tools?
thanks for thr answer, im need the pluging ownDDNS work in the lastest version of i-mscp, I am not a developer to repair this plugin, so I asked the cost of performing that task.
It is simple, I need a dynamic DNS service for i-MSCP
Thanks for all
the pluging is deprecated in 1.1 version of i-mscp, im need a developer to work in update the code....
I need to know how it could be possible to update the plugin ownDDNS old version 1.1 to 1.3, and how much would come out I do.
Thank you very much
Owncloud no es, porque lo saque, justamente porque con el restart de fpm cada 30min exactos no me resulta util.
La verdad no se por donde seguir mirando, me tiene desconcertado.
Algun plugin puede causar este comportamiento?
Estos son los que tengo instalados:
La configuracion de FPM es por site,
dejo los logs, por si sirven para algo, pero no veo la verdad el problema.
Log de php-fpm, no se si no me doy cuenta, pero no veo nada raro
Log de apache:
En cuanto al emergency_restart:
Estimados, lo que estoy notando que cada 30minutos se esta reiniciando fpm, no tengo nada en el cron que haga tal tarea, porque puede ser?, la verdad es bastante molesto, sobre todo para owncloud.
Saludos y gracias.