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In the httpd.conf file, or in the include file containing the
VirtualHost section for your web account, add a line like this (if it is
not already present):
ServerAlias *.example.com
Also create a wildcard DNS record like:
*.example.com A
I think it is not so good to edit the config-files in /etc/apache2 manually. They will be overwritten when you re-run the setup or some files will be overwritten if you made changes at doamin section in the panel.
Listener-files are here the right way.
But I also think, that it is not necessary for a wordpress network. What do you want to realize? A domain-based network or a path-based network?
Path-based: Nothing necessary to change.
Domain-based: You can add a subdomain in the control panel and use it as a shared mount point.
Thats all.