The only way are the command line tools:
But a easier solution via gui would be very nice.
The only way are the command line tools:
But a easier solution via gui would be very nice.
Magst du mal deine Policy-weight Settings mit uns teilen?
AFAIK, the only reason courier is still supported in imscp is because nuxwin wanted to keep courier, arguing that "he was fine with it and didn't want to change". Since this is obviously not a sound reason, and nuxwin is not around anymore, my opinion now is that we should move forward, drop courier, and try to achieve the best panel behaviour we can.
What about the ispcp migration?
piwik is really nice!
via shell or via gui (system tools) -> debugger
And please attach your patch to the ticket.
This would be some small but nice improvements:
Im Grunde dieses alte Ticket von mir:
Vielleicht mag es ja jemand mit Kommentaren ein wenig verfeinern, damit man ein paar mehr Anhaltspunkte bekommt was gewünscht ist