Das schon nachgeschaut?
Reconfigure SQL Server failes - 1.3.x Branch
Sonderzeichen sollten eigentlich unterstützt werden,da imscp selber auch Passwörter damit generiert
Das schon nachgeschaut?
Reconfigure SQL Server failes - 1.3.x Branch
Sonderzeichen sollten eigentlich unterstützt werden,da imscp selber auch Passwörter damit generiert
If you have resettet your password you can rerun the installer to reconfigure mysql
Reset: https://support.rackspace.com/…lost-mysql-root-password/
Installer: ./imscp-setup -dr sql
That should work
Display More@batZend
The problem is that i-MSCP itself don't remove data for the SQL root user. I need really investigate more...
Please, can you give us more info about your environement, specially:
- SQL server and version in use
- Distro and codename
I used mysql server 5.7
Debian 8 Jessie
A SSL cert is normally binded to the domain name.
If you provide the key and cert file, he is able to create a server with this cert and locally create a host entry for that domain to his own server.
So he will communicate with your Domain. BUT locally so he can test the SSL on his own local machine.
I would recommend to wait for the release of 1.3.0 (what im doing as well, like a dog waiting for his master xD)
i would suggest to wait for 1.3.0 (will be released shortly)
problem with domain after upgrade to 1.2.17
probably according with this problem?
Vermutlich hier: /var/www/imscp/backups
/edit: Nevermind, da ist anscheinend nur die imscp eigene DB drin,
wofür brauchst du die denn?
im currently working on a website front (and backend) that should be able to automatically create web customers.
What would be the best way?
Is there an API that i can call? probably through an ssh shell or sth like that?
a web api to control a reseller?
PS: I wish to have both on different servers.
Note: It's not for commercial use (atleast until now its not)
Den Software Installer musst du aktiveren. Da sind (soweit ich es weißt) keine Bugs oder Ähnliches
Aber der Software installer hat nichts mit Plugins zu tun
Untersützung beim Update wird sicher jemand helfen (nicht unbedingt kostenlos)
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Ansonsten bezahl jemanden, der dir das macht
Der aktuelle Fehler mit den SSL Zertifikaten kann ja einfach geändert werden