I think that this is necessary, because if you will have multiple resellers on your server then they will try to ask you for the logs. If them or just clients would be able to check logs using panel, they will be able to find problems by they own, without asking admins to do that.
Posts by theqkash
Distro ? Codename? Init system (sysvinit, upstart, systemd) ?
1. Ubuntu 16.04
2. Horner
3. Upstart probably (that is default ubuntu 16.04 installation from proxmox repo, I have only fixed it to make mount working fine with lxc containers) -
I've installed fresh i-mscp 1.3.0 on lxc container and here is some problem:
After adding some domain to panel and enabling php to it, I get error 500 while trying to open any php file on that domain, in logs I have "connection failed" errors regarding socket for php5-fpm. The only way I can fix it is restarting the container - restarting apache, php5-fpm etc doesn't work in any way. I have still not investigated what exactly is done during container restart which makes this things work.
Also, when I change something like allow_url_fopen directive using panel it also makes it effective after container reboot. Restarting any invidual services would not help.
I was not facing any problems like that in any versions before 1.3.0 so I guess it is something related to this version, or maybe this version and lxc containers.
I can find this Line two times
Do I need to change them both ?
There is only one line, the second one you have found contains additional parameter.
I've tried to install this listeners in my configuration on iMSCP 1.2.9. I've downloaded @UncleJ files, modified it, saved into location and re-run the setup. Everything went fine, except the new things...
- /etc/nginx/htpasswd / protect_location_domain.conf /protect_location_domain_ssl.conf is created fine
- /var/www/imscp/gui/public/domain directory isn't created, so no files created, don't know how to fix thatAnyone have succefully installed all of those things and know what can be wrong?
Okay, found it on github and done, however it should be fixed or there should be some notification in plugin store IMO.
@Ninos, at version just downloaded I can see
Code- sub _checkVersion
- {
- my $self = $_[0];
- # Check the Roundcube version
- # TODO Should be done on PHP side
- tie %{$self->{'ROUNDCUBE'}}, 'iMSCP::Config', 'fileName' => "$main::imscpConfig{'CONF_DIR'}/roundcube/roundcube.data";
- if(version->new($self->{'ROUNDCUBE'}->{'ROUNDCUBE_VERSION'}) > version->new('0.9.5')) {
- error("Your Roundcube version $self->{'ROUNDCUBE'}->{'ROUNDCUBE_VERSION'} is not compatible with this plugin version. Please check the documentation.");
- return 1;
- }
- 0;
- }
Is that okay to change it there? -
Hello, any update on this topic? I'm still unable to install this plugin in 1.2.3 installation.
Maybe it will be the same problem - after upgrading to 1.2.2 there is no spamassassin settings and buttons in roundcube and in general spam recognition does not work.