i-MSCP XHR problems with Chrome(Version 46.0.2468.0 canary)

  • i face just now a problem with Chrome(Version 46.0.2468.0 canary) and i-MSCP(1.2.9 and develop).
    if i run the admin-panel and view the sites:

    • General
    • Services status
    • and
    • Admin log

    the Chrome browser load the sites just as a blank page until it time out.
    all other sites in admin panle works like normal.

    i don´t have that problem with FireFox.

    would be nice to know if any other face the same problems with may diff. chrome versions.

  • @Cool

    I cannot test that version (not available under linux atm) but please, could you post me the network stack (all and xhr) ? You can see them by enabling the developer tool in chrome). For instance:



  • @Cool

    This is not what I want see ;) Look the screen I've provided.


  • @Cool

    There is a problem with xhr request. Thus, you must show me the error which you can see on the javascript console or xhr network stack.


  • @Cool

    I see that error too but I'm not sure that this could cause the xhr error with your canary version.

    Please try this:

    In the /var/www/imscp/gui/themes/default/admin/admin.log template, remove (or comment) the following code part (at end)

    Then retry ;)


  • @Cool Chrome v46 is alpha or beta? Because atm Chrome v44 is the stable version..