PHP temporary upload directory not creating

  • Hello,

    I am using latest imscp 1.2.9 on ubuntu 14.04. After upgrade I can see "upload_tmp_dir" directory wasn't creating automatically. I mean last time I saw that the value of "upload_tmp_dir" was /var/www/virtual/ & "phptmp" directory was creating automatically but now that directory isn't creating automatically. I created that folder multiple time but during version upgrade that folder disappeared again :( . I tried to change the value of temporary directory to /tmp but don't know why the value of php.ini changed suddenly. Any suggestion :) ?


  • Are you using apcu? If yes, it's a known bug.

  • @Ninos

    What is the link with APCU?


  • Sorry, I didn't understand what you mean by APCU. Will you please explain so that I can solve the problem.

  • Forget that about acpu. Just tell us some more informations:
    - Distribution
    - i-MCP Version
    - php implementation
    - i-MSCP Plugins + Version
    - Custom modifications

  • I am using latest imscp 1.2.9 on ubuntu 14.04. PHP 5.4 FastCGI.
    OpenDKIM - 1.0.1
    RoundcubePlugins - 1.2.1

    I didn't do any custom modification of core imscp or any other area.

  • @jibon57

    For the related customer please say us if you have created any domain alias and also if any subdomain or domain alias share mount point of another domain.



  • @Nuxwin, Thanks for reply.

    Yes, Some of my subdomains are using one subdomain's mount point. But not for main domain. For example: is point on But other subdomains are using own mount point.

    Edited once, last by jibon57 ().