SSlv3 Apache 2.2.22

  • HI,
    I have the latest version of i-mscp and I've activated an SSL site with a ceritificate. When I try to verify if my website is secure I receive a warning that SSLv3 is enabled. I've tried to deactivate it in ssl.conf but with no success. Can you help me?

  • You need to change your apache2 settings. Just google for it..

  • Hello ,

    In your /etc/apache2/mod-available/ssl.conf file you must change:

    1. SSLProtocol All


    1. SSLProtocol All -SSLv2 -SSLv3

    then, save the file and restart Apache2

    1. service apache2 restart


    I'm wondering if we could not provide a specific config files which would override the default SSL parameters, or just by adding in the 00_nameserver.conf file the following configuration snippet:

    1. <IfModule mod_ssl.c>
    2. SSLProtocol All -SSLv2 -SSLv3
    3. </IfModule>

    Since that file is loaded later, that configuration snipped should take precedence over the default, right? We should test.
