Hello everybody,
as I took the provided listener files and adapted them to my needs I wanted to provide the results to you as this might be helpful for others too.
This is a fork of the with the installer provided listener "10_named_tuning2.pl" which I modified in oder to add special NS-entries per Domain.
This listener adds MX-entries to the domains according to the config.
This listener adds the IP-addresses for the remote mx-hosts (which can be added with the "11_named_add_mx_dns_records"-listener).
This listener enables you to add special hosts to the mail-section like e.g. autodiscover oder autoconfig.
This listener adds normal hosts to the config.
This is a fork of the with the installer provided listener "20_bind9_dualstack.pl" which I modified in order to place the hosts in the corresponding section and remove the mail-related entries when mail is disabled.
Please note that all added entries are no longer added under CUSTOM_DNS section but the most fitting original section as I wanted to avoid to mix custom dns entries made over the control panel with the custom dns feature with my own defaults.
Regards Jörg