I would use the apcu cache, so I turned, but it does not work for imscp users.
There he has a few things else to do or enable?
Thank you in advance.
I would use the apcu cache, so I turned, but it does not work for imscp users.
There he has a few things else to do or enable?
Thank you in advance.
Helo ;
Depending on the i-MSCP httpd server implementation in use on your server, you must add the needed APC directives, either:
If you want those changes persistent for all your customers, you could instead edit the related templates which can be found under the /etc/imscp directory (just search a bit), and once done, you should rerun the imscp-setup script to regenerate all configuration files.
Thank you for your reply, I use itk, so I had already changed the php.ini, but nothing to do. The cache does not work with the hosted sites.
Thank you in advance.
I also tried to apc.cache_by_default = 1, but nothing to do.
Thank you in advance.
Tell us what you have done exactly to enable APCU.
I change the value in php.ini:
apc.enabled = 1
extension = apcu.so
Then I set the values for APCU
It is in operation, but puts nothing in cache:
Thank you for your help
Give me some minutes. I'll give a try with ITK.
BTW: Where did you downloaded that APCU interface?
Okay, thank you.
I took it in /usr/share/doc/php5-apcu/apc.php
Ok, give me some minutes to test.
It works for me.
Howto (tested under Ubuntu Trusty)
Note: It is useless to add the extension = apcu.so in the php.ini file since there is already an /etc/php5/mods-available/apcu.ini file.