Upgrade from 1.1.22 to 1.2.8 - imscp_network error

  • Do you have problems adding/removing ip-addresses or restarting the network (stop & start instead of restart)?

  • I only have one IP-Adress assigned to the server.
    I didnt have any problems with the network services.


    Quote from Restart of the Network Service

    # service networking restart
    networking start/running

  • do:

    1. service network stop
    2. service network start
  • @Levitas

    Can you add my SSH key to your server and send me your IP?



  • Okay after i killed my whole server I've made a rollback to 1.1.22

    At the first time i started the autoinstaller i didn't stopped the services.
    This caused the error.

    A new try with stopping the services before starting the autoinstaller solved the problem.
    Notice this try started after the rollback. Not after the failed update.

    Thank you for the help @Nuxwin @Ninos

    I dont know how to fix this cause when you forget to stop the services.
    When you stop the services and retry to start the autoninstaller you get the error shown in the start post.

    Thank you ;)
    #Problem solved