Disable omit www

  • Hello
    Is it possible to disable or force omit www, when i add domain name. I would like to add only www.something.com without adding something.com.
    Is there a way to resolv this.

  • Can you explain htaccess?. im sorry beginner.
    In Control panel when switch to resselers im trying to add a customer - domain name but in this field there is information about OMIT WWW, so when i write for example http://www.something.com or http://www.www.something.com it always cut www, so my problem is how to disable this omit or turn off this self checkin field.
    I dont want to add something.com, only http://www.something.com.

  • ok i understand that i can redirect www,alias,A record,C Name configure on my external hosting but this is not my purpose i want to disable this omit www FIELD (in old ispcp there was no problem to enter subdomain) , so is there any possibility to modify mayby code or something.
    In short im using i-mscp to host subdomains(around one domain), so if i add full domain it will breakup dns resolver.

  • @winterfall24

    You can still create customer accounts using subdomain. www will be also added but this is not really important.

    For instance, if you want to create a customer account with sub.domain.tld, the customer domain will be so reachable using either sub.domain.tld or www.sub.domain.tld

    If you want really omit the www alias, you must patch the code (the frontend and also the backend).
