Move maildir

  • Good morning and congratulations to develop this great software!

    Mi question is: it´s possible to move mail folders to /home/imscp/mail ?
    I mounted my server, but web dirs and maildirs i prefer who are separated in other disk. (Disk is mounted in /home/imscp)

    I've read this thread:

    Change directory from /var/www to /home/www

    and web sites are ok moved, but not how to move the mail directories.

    Thank's for responses.

  • I think atm it's not possible. Such a parameter is missing in the imscp.conf. If you're interested in, please create a feature request in our ticketing system.

  • Thank's! I think the best way may be to mount /var on a separate disk.
    I'll try it and tell you how it run.